Lietuvos fauna.Žinduoliai (1988)

Leidinyje aprašytos 68 Lietuvoje aptinkamos žinduolių rūšys.Apibūdinta gyvūnų išvaizda,paplitimas,gyvenamoji vieta,paros bei sezoninis aktyvumas,mityba,veisimasis, vystymasis,elgsena.Nurodyti žinduolių priešai,konkurentai,ligos.Aiškinama jų gamtinė reikšmė bei nauda liaudies ūkiui."Mokslas",Vilnius 1988. Knyga iš Kauno sendaikčių turgaus (2019.7.6)

Leidinyje aprašytos 68 Lietuvoje aptinkamos žinduolių rūšys.Apibūdinta gyvūnų išvaizda,paplitimas,gyvenamoji vieta,paros bei sezoninis aktyvumas,mityba,veisimasis, vystymasis,elgsena.Nurodyti žinduolių priešai,konkurentai,ligos.Aiškinama jų gamtinė reikšmė bei nauda liaudies ūkiui."Mokslas",Vilnius 1988. Knyga iš Kauno sendaikčių turgaus (2019.7.6)


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Fauna of Lithuania. Mammals 280

Literatūra 281

from the adjacent territories. In 1956, 37

animals of C. elaphus and 14 animals in

1972 were brought from the Voronezh

reservation. In 1969—1983, the catching

of local red deers and their settling within

the territory of the Republic have been

carried out. As a result of these measures

the number of red deers by 1985 increased

up to 10,900 (Fig. 229). The average

density in the Republic is established to

be 5.8, and in the primary foci of their

residence up to 30—60 animals per 1,000

ha of forest area (Fig. 230). In 1984,

2,600 of red deers were hunted.

Cervus dama, of the game park origin

too, in the beginning of the 20th century

inhabited some places, but later on, during

the wars, it disappeared or was exterminated.

In 1976— 1977, with a view to acclimatize,

90 animals of C. dama were imported

from the German Democratic Republic,

Hungary, Czechoslovakia and the

Askaniya Nova reservation. In the beginning

of 1985, this species was represented

by 270 animals in the Republic.

Cervus nippon and Ovis ammon musimon

are considered to be new species of

artiodactyles in Lithuania. In 1954, 24

sika deers, obtained from the deer-breeding

farm in the Gorno-Altai Region,

have been released in the Dubrava forest

(Kaunas District). By the seventies the

C. nippon population has grown to 50—60

head and settled at this level. The distribution

in other places was not observed.

O. a. musimon was imported twice: in

1976—24 animals from Askaniya Nova,

and in 1977—39 animals from Czechoslovakia.

By the beginning of 1985 a total

of 145 moufflons have been recorded.

In 1969, in Lithuania (Panevėžys District),

the nursery for Bison bonasus

where Belovezh-line bisons are bred was

established. In 1973—1976, 17 bisons,

born in this nursery, were turned loose.

However, the experiment of creating free

herds of bisons under present-day natural

environmental conditions of Lithuania did

not yield positive results. In 1981, 12 bisons

were transferred to the Ukraine. In

the beginning of 1985, 19 bisons were

registered in the nursery.

For the morphological characteristic

of the species described the following

morphometric data are drawn (their abbreviated

designations used in the text

are given in the brackets): body weight

(Q); lengths of body (L), tail (C), hind

foot (P) and ear (A); for bats additionally

lengths of ear tragus (Tr), forearm (An)

and shin (Cr), wingspread (LtA); for

artiodactyles — body height in withers

(G) and chest volume (K). Dimensions

of skull: condyle-basal length (KBi),

lengths of facial part (VDi), braincase

(SDi), nasal bones (Ni), hard palate

(KGi), rostrum (Ri), upper teeth

(VDEi), lower teeth (ADEi), upper intermediate

teeth (for shrews) (TDEi),

diastema (Di) and lower jaw (AŽi);

widths of rostrum (Rp), malar (Sp) and

braincase (DKp); suborbital (POp), interorbital

(TOp), postorbital (UOp) and

mastoid (Mp) widths; heights of braincase

(DKa) and lower jaw (ŽŠa).


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