Rapporten - SBU

Rapporten - SBU

Rapporten - SBU


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Table 3.1.17 continued<br />

Author<br />

Year<br />

Reference<br />

Country<br />

Eaves et al<br />

2006<br />

[19]<br />

Canada<br />

Aim Study design<br />

Population characteristics<br />

Setting<br />

Disease prevalence<br />

Drop-out<br />

To examine<br />

the validity of the<br />

SCQ in two young<br />

clinical samples<br />

Study design<br />

Cross-sectional study<br />

Population characteristics<br />

N=151<br />

IQ 33.6% were intellectually disabled<br />

Age range: 3–7 years<br />

Children under the age of 3 years<br />

were excluded<br />

Gender: 79% male<br />

Setting<br />

Tertiary autism clinic (university<br />

clinic) or preschool clinics<br />

Disease prevalence<br />

ASD 32%<br />

Drop-out<br />

None reported<br />

ASD = Autism spectrum disorder; ADI-R = Autism diagnostic interview-revised; ADOS =<br />

Autism diagnostic observation schedule; CARS = Childhood autism rating scale; DSM-IV<br />

= Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fourth version; IQ = Intelligence<br />

132 Autismspektrumtillstånd – diAgnostik och insAtser,<br />

KAPITEL 3 • sysTEmATIsK LITTErATurövErsIKT –<br />

133<br />

vårdens orgAnisAtion och pAtientens delAktighet<br />

Index test Reference test Main findings Study quality Comments<br />

SCQ Autism diagnoses<br />

relied on the use of<br />

the CARS, the ADI-R<br />

and clinical judgement,<br />

and in some cases the<br />

ADOS<br />

Diagnoses were made<br />

an experienced team of<br />

expert clinicians<br />

The ADI-R was not<br />

used in arriving at<br />

the final diagnosis<br />

ASD diagnosis,<br />

cut-off of 15:<br />

Se: 0.71<br />

Sp: 0.79<br />

Preschool clinics n=45<br />

ASD diagnosis:<br />

Se: 0.71<br />

Sp: 0.76<br />

Autism clinic n=106<br />

ASD diagnosis:<br />

Se: 0.71<br />

Sp: 0.52<br />

Overall<br />

n=151<br />

PPV: 65%<br />

InsTrumEnT för uTrEdnIng Av AsT<br />

The SCQ cut-off of 15<br />

yielded a hit rate of 65%<br />

in sorting out ASD from<br />

non-ASD. 28% of the<br />

children with ASD were<br />

missed and 38% of the<br />

non-ASD were misidentified<br />

as having ASD<br />

Higher functioning children<br />

with ASD are less<br />

likely to be identified by<br />

the SCQ<br />

If the cut-off score<br />

is reduced to 11, Se<br />

increases but Sp<br />

declines unacceptably<br />

Moderate Limitations: the<br />

ADI-R was used<br />

in the clinical<br />

work-up by the<br />

experts making<br />

the final clinical<br />

diagnosis<br />

quotient; LR+ = Positive likelihood ratio; LR– = Negative likelihood ratio; N = Number<br />

of patients; PDD = Perrasive developmental disorders-not otherwise specified; PPV =<br />

Positive predictive value; SCQ = Social communication questionnaire; Se = Sensitivity;<br />

Sp = Specificity

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