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348<br />

Prehľad vývinu mediálnej výchovy vo vybraných<br />

západných a niektorých európskych krajinách<br />

Eva Sisková<br />

Abstract: In the period of information overload, permanent<br />

education, self- education and the ability of consumers to orientate<br />

in the sphere of media messages play the role. All activities<br />

performed by an individual and the whole population focused<br />

on the sphere of media competence represent the integral part of<br />

above – mentioned forms of education. The an of media education<br />

presented in the author work is to learn/teach the youth how<br />

„to live and work with the media.“<br />

Young people should know: how the media function generally,<br />

and economically. They should have the competence of reading,<br />

analyzing and assessing critically the texts produced by the<br />

media. Active consumers should monitor the media in a proper<br />

manner and select/ or collect the right information.<br />

In many countries media education has a tradition. In the Czech<br />

Republic it has become part of educational system. In the Slovak<br />

Republic the subject has occurred experimentally at schools. The<br />

idea of implementation the subject in the educational system occurred<br />

after the world war II. gradually it was implemented as an<br />

inevitable means information dissemination and Exchange in the<br />

knowledge – based societies: in Western Europe, USA, Canada,<br />

Australia and New Zealand.<br />

Media education as a subject has been promoted by UNESCO<br />

in different African countries for several years.<br />

Key words: media education, the media, information, media<br />

messages, lifelong learning, media text<br />

Abstrakt: V čase veľkej explózie informácií, kde rozhodujúci<br />

význam majú práve informácie, vzdelanie a schopnosť orientovať<br />

sa vo sfére mediálnych posolstiev, má nezastupiteľné miesto<br />

Marketingová <strong>komunikácia</strong> a médiá 10 E. Sisková: Prehľad vývinu mediálnej výchovy vo vybraných západných<br />

349<br />

a niektorých európskych krajinách

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