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223<br />

Literatur zu Kapitel 4<br />

Air Force, 2007: Reaper UAV now in Afghanistan, Air Force Print News, 12. 10. 2007.<br />

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AP (Associated Press), 2008: Rise of the Machines: UAV Use Soars, Associated Press, 2.<br />

Januar 2008.<br />

Aviation Week, 2007: Reaper Fires First Missiles in Combat, Aviation Week´s DTI, 30. 10.<br />

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Aviation Week, 2007a: Herti UAV Operational in Afghanistan, Aviation Week’s DTI, 07. 11.<br />

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Völkervertragsrechts, Dissertation Berlin.<br />

Bender, B., 2005: Attacking Iraq from a Nevada Computer, The Boston Globe, 3. April 2005,<br />

sec. A6.<br />

Boese, W., 2008: Russia Halts Missile Launch Notices, Arms Control Today, March 2008,<br />

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Botha, C., 1999: From Mercenaries to "Private Military Companies", South African Yearbook<br />

of International Law, 24, S. 133-148.<br />

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Waffen, Köln u.a.<br />

Bothe, M., 2001: Legal Restraints on Targeting, in: Dinstein und Domb (ed.), Israel Yearbook<br />

on Human Rights, Vol. 31, Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, S. 35-49.

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