FYE 14 Budget prelim - City of Norman

FYE 14 Budget prelim - City of Norman

FYE 14 Budget prelim - City of Norman


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CITY OF NORMANEMT-P – Emergency Medical Technician-ParamedicENCUMBRANCE - A commitment related to unperformed contracts or goods or services.Encumbrances represent the estimated amount <strong>of</strong> expenditures ultimately to result if unperformedcontracts in process are completed.ENTERPRISE FUND - A fund established to account for operations that are financed and operated in amanner similar to private business enterprises, where the intent <strong>of</strong> the governing body is that the costs <strong>of</strong>providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarilythrough user charges.EPA – Environmental Protection AgencyEXCISE TAX – An excise tax is any tax, which is not an ad valorem tax and is generally imposed on theperformance <strong>of</strong> an act, engaging in an occupation, or enjoying a privilege.EXPENDITURES (EXPENSES) - Decrease in net total assets. Expenses represent the total cost <strong>of</strong>operations during a period regardless <strong>of</strong> the timing <strong>of</strong> related expenditures.FACE VALUE (PAR, PRINCIPAL) – The full amount <strong>of</strong> an investment security, usually appearing onthe face <strong>of</strong> the instrument.FIDUCIARY FUNDS (TRUST & AGENCY FUNDS) – An accounting fund type recommended by theOklahoma Municipal <strong>Budget</strong> Act to account for assets held by the municipality as trustee or agent forindividuals, private organizations or other governmental units or purposes.FISCAL YEAR - The time period designated by the <strong>City</strong> signifying the beginning and ending period forrecording financial transactions. The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Norman</strong> has a fiscal year <strong>of</strong> July 1 through June 30.FIXED ASSETS - Long-lived tangible assets obtained or controlled as a result <strong>of</strong> past transactions,events, or circumstances. Fixed assets include buildings, equipment, and improvements other thanbuilding and land.FT – Full-time (employee)FUND - A fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set <strong>of</strong> accounts recording cash and otherfinancial resources, together with all related liabilities and residual equities or balances, and changestherein, which are segregated for the purpose <strong>of</strong> carrying on specific activities or attaining certainobjectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations.FUND BALANCE - Fund balance is the excess <strong>of</strong> assets over liabilities.FUND BALANCE - RESERVED FOR DEBT SERVICE - A portion <strong>of</strong> fund balance that is legallyrestricted to the payment <strong>of</strong> long term debt principal and interest maturing in future years.FY – Fiscal Year<strong>FYE</strong> – Fiscal Year EndingANNUAL BUDGET437

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