TABLE OF CONTENTS - The Professional Green Building Council

TABLE OF CONTENTS - The Professional Green Building Council

TABLE OF CONTENTS - The Professional Green Building Council


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<strong>The</strong>me B: Creating a livable, healthy and environmentally viable cities[9]Eagan, P. and Joeres, E. (1997). “Development of A Facility based EnvironmentalPerformance Indicator related to Sustainable Development.” Journal of CleanerProduction, 5(4), p.p 269-278.[10]Engineers Australia. (2005). “2005 Australian Infrastructure Report Card.”www.infrastructurereportcard.org.au, August.[11]King, D., Gibson, G.E. and Hamilton, M.R. (1994). “Pre-project Planning for CapitalFacilities.” In Proceedings of the Project Management Institute Symposium (PMI),Vancouver, B.C., 17-19 Oct. Project Management Institute, Chesterfield, Mo. p.p 161-167.[12]Lombardi, P. and Brandon, P.S. (1997). “Towards a Multimodal Framework forEvaluating the Built Environment Quality in Sustainability Planning”. In: Evaluation ofthe Built Environment for Sustainability (Brandon, P.S., Lombardi, P. and Bentivegna,V.). Chapmen & Hall, London.[13]Mirza, S. (2006). “Durability and Sustainability of Infrastructure – A State-of-the-artReport.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 32: pg 639-649.[14]Mitchell, G. (1999). “A Geographical Perspective on the Development of SustainableUrban Regions”. In: Geographical Perspectives on Sustainable Development. Earthscan,London.[15]Myers, D. (2005). “A Review of Construction Companies’ Attitudes toSustainability”, Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 23, Issue 8, p.p 781-785.[16]Parkin, S. (2000). “Context and Drivers for Operationalizing SustainableDevelopment.” In: Proceedings of ICE, Vol. 138, Nov. 2000, p.p 9-15.Philis, Y.A. and Andriantiatsaholiniaina, L.A. (2001). “Sustainability: An Ill-definedConcept and its Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic.” Ecological Economics, 37: 435-456.[17]Roger, P.P., Jalal, K.F. and Boyd, J.A. (2006). “Concept of Sustainability.” In: AnIntroduction to Sustainable Development. Island Publishing House, Inc., Philipines.[18]Sage, A.P. (1998). “Risk Management for Sustainable Development.” IEEEInternational Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 5, p.p 4815-4819.[19] Sahely, H.R., Kennedy, C.A. and Adams, B.J. (2005). “Developing SustainabilityCriteria for Urban Infrastructure Systems.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 32: p.p72-85.479

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