An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland

An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland

An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland


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;;'126 THE GAEL.Long years have passed since last I eyedThy growing grace and symmetry;A stranger to me sits besideily long-lost Rowan Tree ;Yet still in fancy I can markThy lily bloom and fragrancy,<strong>An</strong>d birds that sing from dawn to dark,Pereh'd on my Rowan Tree.Like Eixbies red on Beauty's breast,Thy clustering berries yet I seeHalf-hiding sume spring warbler's uest,Left in my Rowan Tree.Fair as the maple green may tower,I'd gladly give a centuryBeside it for one happy h( mrBeneath my E,owan True.The forest many trees can boast,]SIore tit perhaps for kneel or kneeBut none for grace, in heat or frost,Can match the Rowan Tree.How beautiful above them aU,Its snow white summer draperyA cloud <strong>of</strong> crimson in the fall.Seems <strong>Scotland</strong>'s Rowan Tree.Well knows the boy at Beltane time.When near it in a vocal key.What whistles perfectly sublime,Supplies the Rowan Tree.Well knows he too what ills that wretchMight look for, who would carelesslyHome in his load <strong>of</strong> firewood fetchAught <strong>of</strong> the Rowan Tree.In vain would midnight hags colleagueTo witch poor Crummie's milk if sheHad only o'er her crib a twig(Jut frcjm the Rowan Tree.Alas that in my dreams aloneI ever now can hojje to seeMy boyhood's home and thou my own,My matchless Rowan Tree !Evan M'Coll.GAELIC LODGE OF GOODTEMPLARS.A friend sends us the following:— " Onthe .30th April a number <strong>of</strong> brothers andsisters from the ' St. Cohnnba ' Lodge,an

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