An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland

An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland

An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland


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;THE GAEL,ENGLISH DEPARTMENT.isKA.-^,isrs-CELTIC CONVERSAZIONE.Last mouth a conversazione washeld in the Museum <strong>of</strong> Science andArt, under the auspices <strong>of</strong> the EdinburghHighland Clubs, for the benefit<strong>of</strong> the fund at present being raisedtowards the endowment <strong>of</strong> a CelticChair in the University <strong>of</strong> Edinburgh.The clubs represented were the Argyle,Dumbarton, Perth, Inverness,Ross, Sutherland, and Caithnessassociations, and about 800 ladies andgentlemen attended the demonstration.Guests as they arrived werereceived at the entrance to the greathall by the Right Hon. Lord Colonsay,and thereafter they dispersedamong the various departments andgalleries <strong>of</strong> the Museum, where theyinspected the numberless rare, beautiful,interesting, and costly exhibits.Many <strong>of</strong> the gentlemen were atth-edin full Highland costume, and whatwith the gay dresses <strong>of</strong> the ladies, andAmongthe frequent recurrence <strong>of</strong> the "garb<strong>of</strong> old Gaul," the Museum presentedan animated and picturesque aspect.During the promenade the band andpipers <strong>of</strong> the 93d Highlanders playedalternately a selection <strong>of</strong> music, embracingpeculiarly Celtic aii-s.those present were—Lord Colonsay,Sir Alexander Grant, Bart., Principaland Vice-Chancellor <strong>of</strong> EdinburghUniversity, and Lady Grant; ClunyMacpherson <strong>of</strong> Cluny, Pr<strong>of</strong>essorBlackie, Rev. Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Macgregor,Mr. E. S. Gordon, M.P., Dean <strong>of</strong>Faculty; the Lord Provost and Mrs.Cowan, Rev, Dr. M'Lauchlan, Sherifi"Nicolson, Mr. Alexander Paterson <strong>of</strong>Holly Lodge, 'Mr. William Macdonald,High School; Col. M'Neil <strong>of</strong> Redford,Mr. T. Mackenzie, W.S.; Mr. ColinMacrae, W.S.; Mr. T. Brodie, W.S.;Mr. John Logan, W.S.; Mr. JohnCarment, S.S.C.; Dr. Ferguson, Mr.R. T. Macintosh, Mr. WilliamM'Phie, Mr. M. M'Phail, Mr. J.Jack, Captain Munro, Mr. JohnMacdonald. Mr. John Maclaren, publisher;Mr.' W. N. Eraser, S.S.C.Mr. Murray Grahame <strong>of</strong> Murray'sHall; Bailie Howden, Bailie Campbell,Greenock, and a deputation fromthe Glasgow Celtic Society.After the promenade the assemblageadjourned to the Lecture Hall,where Lord Colonsay took the chah-.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Macgregor stated thatLord Colonsay was not al)le to speakso as to be heard, and his Lordshiphad accordingly reqviested him to saya few words by way <strong>of</strong> ojiening theproceedings. He was sure they weregi-eatly obliged to Lord Colonsay forhaving done them the great honour<strong>of</strong> presiding at such an importantgathering. He (Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Macgregor)had a special interest in the matter <strong>of</strong>the Celtic Chah- for the University <strong>of</strong>Edinburgh, and he might be allowedto suggest that were the ladies andgentlemen present to try and do alittle towards getting funds for theendowment <strong>of</strong> that chair, the businessmight easily be accomplished. Subscriptioncards were being prepared,and would be left at the booksellers,where ladies might procure them. Ifeach <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> ladies were toendeavour to procure subsci'iptions tothe extent <strong>of</strong> £10 or £20, the chairmight be endowed within a year.(Hear, hear.)

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