An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland

An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland

An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland


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July, 1873. THE GAEL. 155this long period is not well known.<strong>An</strong>gus, the three sons <strong>of</strong> Fergus niorM'Erc, one <strong>of</strong> the Irish DalriadicKings. The time <strong>of</strong> their arrival isfixed between the dates 497 and 506,A.D. The Irish legends refer to asettlement <strong>of</strong> the Scots previous tothis. These allusions most likelyrefer to the predatoiy excursionsmade some centuries before this onthe Roman Province. Their kingdom,generally called Dalriada, thename <strong>of</strong> the district in Ireland whencethey came, extended from the Firth<strong>of</strong> Clyde to Lochaber. On the eastit was bounded by Drumalban—thechain <strong>of</strong> mountains stretching fromLoch Lomond to Loch Broom inSutherlandshire, and forming as theword denotes, the backbone <strong>of</strong><strong>Scotland</strong>.It would therefore includethe districts <strong>of</strong> Ai-gyle proper, Lorn,Morven, and Kiutyre, the islands <strong>of</strong>Islay, Jiu-a, and Mull. Duuadd, thecapital <strong>of</strong> the Dalriadic kingdom, wassituated in the centi-e <strong>of</strong> the Moss <strong>of</strong>Ci-ianan, and may still be seen.The Scots remained in Dalriadafor about 250 years. The principalevents <strong>of</strong> their history during thistime was their subjection to the<strong>An</strong>glic rule for 40 years, and theirutter subjugation by the Picts <strong>of</strong>Alban. In the middle <strong>of</strong> the ninthcentury the kingdoms <strong>of</strong> the Picts andScots became united under KennethM'Alpin, a prince <strong>of</strong> Dalriada. 200years after this the name <strong>of</strong> thePicts—the ancient hihabitauts <strong>of</strong>Albyn—everywhere gave place tothat <strong>of</strong> the Scots, so that Albyn waschanged into <strong>Scotland</strong>, which nameit still retains, and its kings weretermed Beges ò'cotorìfm— kings <strong>of</strong> the'^cots. Having })i-emised this, we goon with the Sctittish Legends.R. Ma(J-an-Rothaicii.{To be coiiiinued.)CONTRACT OF FOSTERAGE, INGAELIC, A.D., 1614.(<strong>National</strong> MSS. <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scotland</strong>, No.Ixxxiv.part III., 1872.)Ag so an tachd agus an cengal araffuil macleoid ag tabhairt amhic iodhoutormoid deoin mac mic cainnighagus ase so an tachd ar afiuil ar affuilse ag coin iodhon an leauamh do bethaga mhnaoi no go ttugaidh si feinfear, ma se eoiu is girra saoghal. achdfearachd sul in leiuimh do bheth agaonghus mac mic cainnigh in fadabhias si gan f hear da tabhairt aguscomhluath agus abhear fear hi anleanamh ag aonghus fein osin amaclilena bheo fein agus madh he abhratairiodhon domuall mac mic cainnighis faide saoghal an diaigh aonghuis.ata an leanamh ag domhall mar ingcetna. agus ata cuid duine chloinnedo dhilib ag mac leoid go re triuiriodhon e fein agus a maceighre iodhoncoin mac mic leoid agus tormoid indaltasa eoiu mac mic cainnigh ar eoinagus ar aonghus mac mic cainnighagus ar dhomhnall mac mic cainnighagus ar da mac domhnaill micmurchaidh iodhon ruaidri agus murchadhagus ar da. mac donnchaidhmic domhnaill iodhon eoin agusdomlinall agus ar bhrian mac micniuiredhaigh agus ar ghillechalaimmac aff hearsuna agxis ag so antshealbh do chuir eoin mac miccaimn'gh ar seilbh an leinimh tormoidiodhon ceithre laracha agus a ceithireile do chuir mac leoid ar a seilbh lecois tri laracha do gheall se dhoanuair doghlac se ina uchd e aguscoimhed agiis fearachd sul na seachdlaracadh sin tug mac leoid donleauamh abeth ag eoin mac cainnighda gcur ar biseach da dhalta aguscoimhed agus fearachd sul na gceitrelaracha tug eoin mac cainnigh dadaltaabeth ag mac leoid da gcur ar bisechdo mar in gcetna agus ag so nafiaghnadha ata airsin iodhon maigh-

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