An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland

An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland

An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland


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—>24 THE GAEL. September, 1873.NEWS OF THE HIGHLANDS AND and is also expected to ascendISLANDS.Ben Nevis as far as the lake. TheLewis. — A larg-e miinber o{ bonlires are to be lighted on thefamilies and single persons have emigratedfrom this island during- the and the regatta comes <strong>of</strong>f on thenight <strong>of</strong> her Majesty's ari'ival,present season. The maj(jrit3^ <strong>of</strong> day <strong>of</strong> her visit to Gleucoe. Athem went to the different provinces rumonr is circulated, and is genei--<strong>of</strong> the Dominion <strong>of</strong> (*auada. They ally credited, that negotiations ai'ereport very favourably. Several in pi-ogress with a view to jiurchasewere assisted by Sir James Matheson,the kind-hearted pi-opriett)r <strong>of</strong> Highness the Duke <strong>of</strong> Edinburgh.the Liverloch}^ estate for His Ro^'alLewis and Achany.Although Her Majest}^ has declinedFoRT-WlLLlAM.— -It is rumoui'ed to receive any ]iublic demonstrationin this district that we are likely tolose the able minister <strong>of</strong> Netlier-Lochabei-, viz., the Rev. AlexanderStewart, <strong>of</strong> the Parish <strong>of</strong> Ballachulishand Ardg'our, who is said to haveevery chance <strong>of</strong> being- ti-anslatedfi-om here to the Parish <strong>of</strong> Ardchattan,Loch Etive, near Bonawe.The patron <strong>of</strong> the Parish is DuncanCampbell, Es(i. <strong>of</strong> Lochnell, who isnow resident, we Ijelieve, at Ilighwo(jd,Lochetiveside.The Queen's visit to theWest Highlands.—Her Majestythe Queen will leave Balmoral Castleeai-ly this month for LiverlochyCastle. The arrangements are. Ikjwever,kept as secret as possible, andthere will be no public demonstrationat Inverlochy on her Majesty'sarrival, she having expressed a desirethat the strictest pi-ivacy should bemaintained. The Prince <strong>of</strong> Wales,the Duke <strong>of</strong> Edinbai-gh, PrinceChristian, and other distinguishedvisitors are expected at Liverlochyilluminated, while bonfires are tol)la/e on the tops <strong>of</strong> all the mostjirominent hills. Her Majesty,during- her stay at Liverlochy, willvisit (jJ lencoe, (ilenroy, Loch Arkaig-,<strong>of</strong> loyalty on Her arrival, it is expectedthat she will be present atHigliland games and sports wliichare to be promoted for the occasion.The Celtic Language. — Mr.Gladstone, in his address at theWelsh Eisteddfod, said — " Theylooked at the Highlands <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scotland</strong>,and found the people speakingGaelic,and they knew that the great mass<strong>of</strong> the people were also hostile tothemselves. They looked at Wales,•Aiid then, I am afraid, misled bythis false analogy, they said to themselves," Welshmen speak Welsh."The language tends to make themhostile to us. We will use everypower, the law and political andecclesiastical influence can give us,in order to—what shall I say'drive ' is a hard word, yet I mayalmost say to drive them into the'use <strong>of</strong> the English, and the abandonment<strong>of</strong> their native tongue.' ^Vliathas been the result i Li <strong>Scotland</strong>the people are rapidly giving up(Jastle during- her Majesty's stay, Gaelic. There is not a valley inwhich is expected to extend over a the Highlands where th« use <strong>of</strong> thefortnight. A series <strong>of</strong> triumphal (iaelic is not receding more andarches are to be erected on the road laon; from the focuses <strong>of</strong> civilisation.from Kingussie to Liverlochy and In Ireland I understand that nowthe town <strong>of</strong> Fort William is to be thei-e is nobody who does not understandEnglish. In Wales, on theother hand, it is said that 800,000people still cling to their nativetongue in spite <strong>of</strong> all the jiressurewhich has been put on them,"

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