An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland

An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland

An gaidheal - National Library of Scotland


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April, THE GAEL. 59EDINBURGH UNIVERSITYCELTIC SOCIETY.This Society held its annual socialmeeting in Cragie Hall, St <strong>An</strong>drewSquare, on the evening <strong>of</strong> Friday,the 7th ult—Mr. W. Eraser, M.A.,Stratheriick, in the chair.were opened byThe jDroceedingssingiug the 100th Psalm, after whichthe company sat down to tea. Apologiesfor absence were received fromPr<strong>of</strong>essor Blackie; Sheriff Nicolson;Dugald M'Kechuie, Esq., advocate;and John Carment, Esq., S.S.C.Diplomas <strong>of</strong> honorary membershipwere presented to Messrs. NormanMacleod, Lachlan Maclachlan, M.A.,W. Morrison, Ewen Macleod, GeorgeCampbell, J. Graham, M.A., RobertReid, and Alexander Macdonald, M. A.The Chairman then rose amid applause.He was deeply sensible, liesaid, <strong>of</strong> the honour the Society haddone him in calling him to occupythe chair at so large and brilliant anassemblage. He then adverted tothe benefit <strong>of</strong> debating societies ingeneral, and <strong>of</strong> then- own in particular.To the Highland student, fi'eshfrom home, the opportunities sucha society <strong>of</strong>fered for introducing hunto the university world, were mostinvaluable; and there should be asociety <strong>of</strong> this kind at every universityseat where the Highlands weresufficiently represented. Perhaps itwould be an improvement if the}'were made to approximate morenearly to the style <strong>of</strong> conversazioni.He hoped the establishment <strong>of</strong> aCeltic chair was not far distant." Time," he said, " has consecratedoiir traditions and language—a languagewhich is destined to hold aplace in classics undreamt <strong>of</strong> byour forefathers—which is now beingacquiredby the noblest in the landas part <strong>of</strong> the highest education—andwhich is second to none in copiousness<strong>of</strong> expression or in philologicalvalue."The Rev. Dr. Masson gave an interestingaccount <strong>of</strong> the social condition<strong>of</strong> the Canadian Highlanders,basing his remarks on his recenttravels. More Gaelic, he said, wasspoken in Canada than iu <strong>Scotland</strong>.He had travelled over 7000 miles <strong>of</strong>the Dominion and a few <strong>of</strong> the borderStates, everywhere preaching to largeGaelic congregations. He foundmany settlements as Highland as anypart <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scotland</strong>, and the CanadianGlengarry had a hundred Highlandersto eveiy one in the oldhome <strong>of</strong> the Macdonells. In manyplaces the Gaelic services in the openair rivalled the great sacramentalgatherings <strong>of</strong> thiity years ago in theBum <strong>of</strong> Ferrintoshj and whateverthe exiled Highlanders had gainedin independence, they had lost nothing<strong>of</strong> the simple piety <strong>of</strong> theirforefathers, nor <strong>of</strong> their love for theirmother tongue. Everywhere, too,the world had gone well with them.Many <strong>of</strong> them were rich, and somehad amassed great fortunes. Inthe Church, at the Bar, and in theGoverinuent <strong>of</strong> the country, not lessthan in agriculture and trade, theGael took a high place. The Premier<strong>of</strong> the Dominion, though bornin Glasgow, Avas every inch a Highlander,and the leader <strong>of</strong> the Opposition,a very able man, was broughtup, like Hugh Miller, a stone masonin the Highlands: the Premier <strong>of</strong>Ontario was a Caithness man, andthe Minister <strong>of</strong> Public Works, whosometimes addressed the House inGaelic, came <strong>of</strong> a worthy family inArgyll. A Ross-shire man whom hehad met had given £100,000 t<strong>of</strong>ound a college for ladies.The Rev. Dr. Maclachlan referredto his own experience in Canadasome twenty-six years ago, contrastingthe state <strong>of</strong> the country then

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