C•CURE 800/8000 Software Configuration Guide - Tyco Security ...

C•CURE 800/8000 Software Configuration Guide - Tyco Security ...

C•CURE 800/8000 Software Configuration Guide - Tyco Security ...

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Guard Tour DefinitionsTable 9-1: Guard Tour Dialog Box fields, continuedField/ButtonDescriptionGuard Tour Error Handling BoxCancel Guard Tour onErrorActivate this Event ifTour Completes EarlyActivate this Event ifTour Completes LateSelect this check box to specify that the guard tour terminate if aguard tour error occurs. When this box is unchecked, the guardtour remains active when a guard tour error occurs. The defaultvalue is deselected.Possible guard tour errors, which cancel the tour, include thefollowing:• Tour stops out of sequence• Tour stops reached too early• Guard tour cancelled due to the guard’s card being expiredEnter an event that activates when an early tour completion erroroccurs. You can double-click in the field to display a list ofconfigured events.The event triggers when the tour completes.No guard tour events trigger if a tour is cancelled either by a useror by a guard tour error.Enter an event that activates when a late tour completion erroroccurs. You can double-click in the field to display a list ofconfigured events.The event triggers when the Maximum Expected CompletionTime is reached.Guard Tour Stop Options BoxMethod Used for TourStop Check-ins:Sequential/RandomSpecify one of the following options as the method to be used fortour stop check-ins:• Sequential. The guard must check in at the stops in theGuard Tour in sequence, according to the order configured inthe Tour Stop Select browser (Stop#).• Random. The guard can check in at the stops in the GuardTour in any order. However, random tours have the sameminimum and maximum times for all tour stopsWith either method, the guard must check in at all the tour stops(even if out of sequence) before the Guard Tour is consideredcomplete — unless the Guard Tour is cancelled.C•CURE <strong>800</strong>/<strong>800</strong>0 <strong>Software</strong> <strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 9–15

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