Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository


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8 BoxTable of contents8.1: The right to food 193Table 8.1: National values of key indicators in securing the food supply 195How the World Is Fed 194The world food system: sustained improvement in food availability 194Securing Food <strong>for</strong>a Growing WorldPopulationBy: FAO (Food and AgricultureOrganization)Collaborative agencies: <strong>WHO</strong>(World Health Organization)/UNEP (United Nations EnvironmentProgramme)/ IAEA (InternationalAtomic Energy Agency)Figure 8.1: Food prices and investment in irrigation and drainage 194Table 8.2: Per capita food consumption from 1965 to 2030(kcal/person/day) 200Figure 8.2: Per capita food consumption from 1965 to 2030 200The main sources of food supply 200Major crops 200The prominent role of cereals and oil crops 200Sources of growth in crop production 201Livestock: an increasing role 201Fisheries and the growing importance of aquaculture 202Food trade 202Developing countries increasing their imports 202The concept of virtual water 202The Use of <strong>Water</strong> in Agriculture 203<strong>Water</strong> <strong>for</strong> food production 203Table 8.3: <strong>Water</strong> requirement equivalent of main food products 203Box 8.2: Assessing freshwater needs <strong>for</strong> global food production 203Food production: the dominant role of rainfed agriculture 203Role of irrigation in food production 204Figure 8.3: Yields and water requirements of irrigated and non-irrigatedagriculture 205Figure 8.4: Competing uses of water in the Zhanghe irrigationdistrict, China 205Figure 8.5: Irrigated area as proportion of irrigation potential indeveloping countries 206Map 8.1: Area equipped <strong>for</strong> irrigation as percentage of cultivated landby country (1998) 207Future investments in irrigation 206<strong>Water</strong> use efficiency 206Map 8.2: Agricultural water withdrawals as percentage of renewablewater resources (1998) 208

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