Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository


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T H E W O R L D ’ S W A T E R C R I S I S / 9Table 1.1: <strong>Water</strong>, poverty and the Millennium Development GoalsMillennium GoalsHow water management contributes to achieving goalsDirectly contributesIndirectly contributesPoverty: to halve by 2015 the proportion • <strong>Water</strong> as a factor of production in agriculture, • Reduced vulnerability to water-related hazardsof the world’s <strong>people</strong> whose industry and other types of economic activity reduces risks in investments and productionincome is less than $1/day • Investments in water infrastructure and services • Reduced ecosystems degradation boosts local-levelact as a catalyst <strong>for</strong> local and regional development sustainable development• Improved health from better quality water increasesproductive capacitiesHunger: to halve by 2015 the proportion • <strong>Water</strong> as a direct input into irrigation, including • Ensure ecosystems integrity to maintain water flowsof the world’s <strong>people</strong> who supplementary irrigation, <strong>for</strong> expanded grain to food productionsuffer from hunger production • Reduced urban hunger by cheaper food grains from• Reliable water <strong>for</strong> subsistence agriculture, home more reliable water suppliesgardens, livestock, tree crops• Sustainable production of fish, tree crops and otherfoods gathered in common property resourcesUniversal to ensure that, by 2015, children • Improved school attendance from improved healthprimary everywhere will be able to complete and reduced water-carrying burdens, especially <strong>for</strong>education: a full course of primary schooling girlsGender progress towards gender equality • Community-based organizations <strong>for</strong> waterequality: and the empowerment of women management improve social capital of womenshould be demonstrated by• Reduced time and health burdens from improvedensuring that girls and boys havewater services lead to more balanced gender rolesequal access to primary andsecondary educationChild to reduce by two thirds, between • Improved quantities and quality of domestic • Improved nutrition and food security reducesmortality: 1990 and 2015, the death rate <strong>for</strong> water and sanitation reduce main morbidity and susceptibility to diseaseschildren under the age of five years mortality factor <strong>for</strong> young childrenMaternal to reduce by three quarters, • Improved health and reduced labour burdens • Improved health and nutrition reduce susceptibilitymortality: between 1990 and 2015, the from water portage reduce mortality risks to anaemia and other conditions that affect maternalrate of maternal mortalitymortalityMajor to halve, by 2015, halt and begin • Better water management reduces mosquito • Improved health and nutrition reduce susceptibilitydiseases: to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS, habitats and malaria incidence to HIV/AIDS and other major diseasesthe scourge of malaria, the • Reduced incidence of range of diseases wherescourge of other major diseases poor water management is a vectorthat affect humanityEnvironmental to stop the unsustainable • Improved water management, including pollution • Development of integrated management withinsustainability: exploitation of natural resources control and sustainable levels of abstraction, are key river basins creates conditions where sustainableand to halve, by 2015, the factors in maintaining ecosystems integrity ecosystems management is possible andproportion of <strong>people</strong> who are • Actions to ensure access to adequate and safe water upstream-downstream impacts are mitigatedunable to reach or to af<strong>for</strong>d safe <strong>for</strong> poor and poorly serviced communitiesdrinking waterThis table shows that improving water management can make a significant contribution to achieving all of the Millennium Development Goals established by the UN General Assembly Millenniummeeting in 2000.Source: Soussan, 2002.

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