Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository


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554 / A N N E X E SIndexsustainability problems 81future management andmonitoring needs 82global map 79, 317–18global volume 68, 78indicators <strong>for</strong> 426, 444, 480,497irrigation use 78, 80, 209–10listed <strong>for</strong> various countries 70–4monitoring of 69, 317number of stations 68, 356as percentage of total world waterresources 68pollution of 81–2, 85–6, 89, 209,218quality problems 81residence times 80sharing of 316–18use by urban dwellers 78, 161see also aquifers; fossilgroundwatergroundwater recharge rate, factorsaffecting 80Guadeloupe, food supply indicators197Guam, food supply indicators 197Guarani aquifer system (SouthAmerica) 79Guatemalaaccess to electricity 253food supply indicators 197industrial water efficiency 235land area 71national reports 516population 71, 235progress on Agenda 21 524progress towards Goals 531water availability per person 71water quality indicator 140Guatemala City 162Guineacities 164food supply indicators 197industrial water efficiency 235land area 71national reports 516population 71, 235progress on Agenda 21 521progress towards Goals 533water availability per person 71see also Senegal River basinGuinea-Bissaufood supply indicators 197industrial water efficiency 235land area 71national reports 516population 71, 235progress on Agenda 21 521progress towards Goals 533pump maintenance by women353water availability per person 71Guinea worm infestation 114reduction of 519Gulf of Guinea basin (Africa), pollutioncontrol in 231, 240Guri reservoir (Venezuela) 83Guyanafood supply indicators 197land area 70national reports 516population 70progress on Agenda 21 524progress towards Goals 531water availability per person 70HHabitat Agenda 26Habitats Directive (EC/EU) 146–7Hague Framework <strong>for</strong> Action (2000)519Hague Ministerial Declaration (2000)19, 27, 288, 301, 326, 340, 504on water valuation 328, 335, 336Haitiaccess to electricity 253cities 163food supply indicators 197industrial water efficiency 235land area 73national reports 516population 73, 235progress on Agenda 21 524progress towards Goals 532water availability per person 73water quality indicator 140Han River basin (Asia) 306, 320Hanoi (Viet Nam) 162, 341Harare (Zimbabwe) 163Harare Expert Group Meeting (1998,on freshwater management) 18,328, 329harmonization of policies and laws297Harvard University 137Hawaii (United States)annual precipitation 77land area 71population 71water availability per person 71hazard, meaning of term 279hazard mapping 281, 491, 496health 99–125definition 103and demand-side watermanagement 182and ecosystem health 137–8and education 350and energy sources 251indicators <strong>for</strong> 40–1, 42, 47, 103,119, 426, 444progress since Rio 124water management <strong>for</strong> 108–20web sites on 125health impactof inadequatewater/sanitation/hygieneprovision 6, 105–6of irrigation schemes 219–20of water pollution 86health impact assessment (HIA) 116advantages of integration intoplanning 116and environmental impactassessments 116example of use 116key principles 116trained personnel needed <strong>for</strong>116–17health sector issues 120–3heatwaves 276Heavily Indebted Poor Countries(HIPC) initiative 382heavy metal pollution 15, 86, 106,243helminth infections 103, 105Helsinki Convention on the Protectionof the Marine Environment of theBaltic Sea Area (1974) 146Helsinki Convention <strong>for</strong> the Protectionand Use of Transboundary<strong>Water</strong>courses and InternationalLakes (1996) 230, 302hepatitis 169deaths due to 104herring, fish population indicators 36high-income countriescompeting water uses 228impacts by industry 230industrial water productivity 234,237, 238, 244water and sanitation provision 167High Plains aquifer system (NorthAmerica) 79higher educationon water-related subjects 361World Conference (1998) 350Ho Chi Minh City (Viet Nam)food manufacturers 242population 162water prices 341holistic thinking 349Hondurasfood supply indicators 197industrial water efficiency 235land area 71national reports 516population 71, 235progress on Agenda 21 524progress towards Goals 531water availability per person 71water quality indicator 140Hong Kong 162progress towards Goals 529Hongshui River (China), hydropowerplants on 258hookworm infection 103deaths due to 104household survey data 113, 173housing, self-built low-incomehousing 181Human Development Index (HDI) 40,42, 319listed <strong>for</strong> various countries 359,468ranking of various (except highincomeOECD) countries529–34Human Development Report 6, 337,526, 528, 540Human Poverty Index (HPI) 6, 42, 47human rightseducation 350food 193health 121–2Universal Declaration (1948) 193,350water 121, 122human waste, pollution by 10–11,173Hungarycities 163Danube River ProtectionConvention ratified by 239ecosystem protection policies andstrategies 146food supply indicators 197land area 71national reports 516population 71progress on Agenda 21 523progress towards Goals 529threatened freshwater fish species141water availability per person 71water quality indicator 140hungerdeaths due to 121, 274

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