Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository


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5 2 6 / F I T T I N G T H E P I E C E S T O G E T H E RThe World’s <strong>Water</strong> Crisis: Fitting the Pieces TogetherThe definition of these targets was followed in December 2001 bythe twenty-seven recommended actions established in Bonn, whichdo not have set timeframes, but are nonetheless agreed to be criticalto the delivery of outcomes. The Bonn recommendations promoted:■ Actions in the field of governance1. Secure equitable access to water <strong>for</strong> all <strong>people</strong>2. Ensure that water infrastructure and services deliver to poor<strong>people</strong>3. Promote gender equity4. Appropriately allocate water among competing demands5. Share benefits6. Promote participatory sharing of benefits from large projects7. Improve water management8. Protect water quality and ecosystems9. Manage risks to cope with variability and climate change10. Encourage more efficient service provision11. Manage water at the lowest appropriate level12. Combat corruption effectively■ Actions in the field of mobilizing financial resources13. Ensure significant increase in all types of funding14. Strengthen public funding capabilities15. Improve economic efficiency to sustain operations andinvestment16. Make water attractive <strong>for</strong> private investment17. Increase development assistance to water■ Actions in the field of capacity-building and sharing knowledge18. Focus education and training on water wisdom19. Focus research and in<strong>for</strong>mation management on problemsolving20. Make water institutions more effective21. Share knowledge and innovative technologies22. Governments should more actively play their key role inwater governance23. Empower local communities through social mobilizationprocesses■ Actions to review the role of:24. Workers and trade unions25. Non-governmental organizations26. The private sector27. The international communityNext came the Millennial targets that were reaffirmed or revised atthe WSSD. But an intermediate reporting on progress is needed toallow us to identify when and how progress is and is not beingmade, in time to take corrective action. A critical added value to thetargets themselves will be reporting on the improvements made in<strong>people</strong>’s daily lives – such as health, mortality and morbidity, timeaway from tasks, income, school enrolment and educationalopportunities. The attainment of the longer-term targets willdepend on early reports on the dismantling of barriers by policyactions. The weak links highlighted between progress since Rio and<strong>people</strong>-centred outcomes argue <strong>for</strong> a stronger arrangement in whichprogress in management is reported within a <strong>people</strong>-first framework.The Human Development Report 2002 (UNDP, 2002) summarizedthe prospects of individual countries attaining the MillenniumDevelopment Goals. It does not evaluate all countries, so analysis islimited to those <strong>for</strong> which in<strong>for</strong>mation is included. The followingsubsections detail various elements <strong>for</strong> several of the MillenniumGoals, illustrating why and how assessments such as these are useful.Millennium Goal 7: a focus on water supply and sanitationThe national prospects of reaching Millennium Goal 7, halving theproportion of <strong>people</strong> without sustainable, safe drinking water by 2015,are illustrated in table 23.3. In addition to those countries in which theTable 23.3: Summary of regional progress towards attaining Millennium Development Goal 7Achieved On track Lagging Far behind Slipping back No dataSub-Saharan Africa 1 9 4 9 0 21Arab States 0 8 0 3 0 6East Asia and the Pacific 0 6 1 4 0 8South Asia 3 4 0 0 0 1Latin America and the Caribbean 1 21 1 2 0 8Central and East Europe and the CIS 1 0 8 0 0 0 17Total 5 63 7 18 0 75The purpose of Millennium Development Goal 7 is to halve the proportion of <strong>people</strong> without sustainable, safe drinking water. Regions include only Human Development Index countries, whereastotal includes all UN member countries excluding high-income OECD members.1 CIS: Commonwealth of Independent StatesSource: UNDP, 2002.

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