Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository


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6 8 / A L O O K A T T H E W O R L D ’ S F R E S H W A T E R R E S O U R C E SThe Natural <strong>Water</strong> CycleTable 4.1: The distribution of water across the globeVolume, % of total volume % of Volume recycled RenewalLocation (10 3 km 3 ) in hydrosphere freshwater annually (km 3 ) period yearsOcean 1,338,000 96.5 – 505,000 2,500Groundwater (gravity and capillary) 23,400 1 1.7 16,700 1,400Predominantly fresh groundwater 10,530 0.76 30.1Soil moisture 16.5 0.001 0.05 16,500 1Glaciers and permanent snow cover: 24,064 1.74 68.7Antarctica 21,600 1.56 61.7Greenland 2,340 0.17 6.68 2,477 9,700Arctic Islands 83.5 0.006 0.24Mountainous regions 40.6 0.003 0.12 25 1,600Ground ice (permafrost) 300 0.022 0.86 30 10,000<strong>Water</strong> in lakes: 176.4 0.013 – 10,376 17Fresh 91.0 0.007 0.26Salt 85.4 0.006 –Marshes and swamps 11.5 0.0008 0.03 2,294 5River water 2.12 0.0002 0.006 43,000 16 daysBiological water 1.12 0.0001 0.003 –<strong>Water</strong> in the atmosphere 12.9 0.001 0.04 600,000 8 daysTotal volume in the hydrosphere 1,386,000 100 –Total freshwater 35,029.2 2.53 1001 Excluding groundwater in the Antarctic estimated at 2 million km 3 , including predominantly freshwater of about 1 million km 3 .This table shows great disparities: between the huge volume of saltwater and the tiny fraction of freshwater; between the large volumes of water contained by the glaciers and the water stored in the aquifers;and between the amount of groundwater and the small volumes of water in rivers, lakes and reservoirs.Source: Shiklomanov, <strong>for</strong>thcoming.Figure 4.1: The global hydrological network by typeDischarge64,000 (11%)Evaporation4,000 (2%)Sediment discharge18,000 (3%)<strong>Water</strong> quality102,000 (17%)Observationwell level146,000 (25%)Precipitation198,000 (34%)Groundwater192,000 (32%)Observationwell quality44,000 (8%)This figure shows the number of monitoring stations that make up the global hydrological network.Source: WMO, 1995.

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