Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository


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I N D E X / 553ecosystem protection policies andstrategies 146food supply indicators 196gold mining 243industrial water efficiency 235lakes and reservoirs 83land area 73National Community <strong>Water</strong> andSanitation Programme 340national reports 516participatory policies 339population 73, 235progress on Agenda 21 521progress towards Goals 532recycling project 231water availability per person 73water quality indicator 140Gibbons, Michael, quoted, on science360Gilbert Islands see Kiribatigirls’ education, factors affecting250, 350glaciated lakes 82glaciers 82monitoring service 69as percentage of total world waterresources 68total water volume in 82Global Consultation on Safe <strong>Water</strong> andSanitation <strong>for</strong> the 1990s (NewDelhi, 1990) 24, 348Global Environment Facility (GEF)Danube River basin projects 239,297Gulf of Guinea project 231Lake Malawi project 138Okavango River basin project 296Pantanal watershed managementproject 296Global Environmental MonitoringSystem (GEMS), FreshwaterProgramme 69, 95, 136, 357Global Environmental Outlook 2000(GEO 2000), on global watershortage 5Global Hydrological Gauging (GHG)38global hydrologymonitoring network 68and water resources 75–90Global International <strong>Water</strong>sAssessment (GIWA) initiative 40Global Network <strong>for</strong> Isotopes inPrecipitation (GNIP) 69, 357Global Plan of Action <strong>for</strong> theProtection of the MarineEnvironment (GPA) 238Global Precipitation Climatology Centre(GPCC) 69, 95Global Resource In<strong>for</strong>mation Database(GRID) 40Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) 69,96, 357decline in monitoring data 51Global Terrestrial Observing System(GTOS) 69global warming 76see also climate changeGlobal <strong>Water</strong> Partnership (GWP)Associated Programme on FloodManagement (APFM), web site290estimates of funding requirements<strong>for</strong> water supply and sanitationgoals 334Framework <strong>for</strong> Action 39knowledge base targets 348networking by 355on risk management 280Technical Committee’s framework<strong>for</strong> IWRM 377web sites 290, 384Global <strong>Water</strong> Supply and Sanitation2000 Assessment 108, 112–13,166, 542definitions used 113household survey data used 113regional reporting 112urban data 170, 171globalization, effects 15, 229, 244,348, 509Goals see Millennium DevelopmentGoalsgold mining, production technologies<strong>for</strong> 243golf tourism 16governancein urban areas 177–80see also water governanceGreat Artesian basin (Australia) 79Greater Tokyo river basins (Japan)481–98agricultural use of water 488,489, 497Arakawa River basin 485–6water quality indicators 486,497compensation <strong>for</strong> upstreamcommunities 490dams 486, 490data availability 492–3ecosystem monitoring 491ecosystem protection 489effective use of water 491environmental impact assessment491–2environmental management491–2flood mitigation measures 491,493, 496flood risksfactors affecting 282, 491indicators 43, 493, 494ground subsidence in 488groundwater resources 487, 488human impacts on water resources486–8hydrological characteristics 485–6hydrology 486industrial use of water 488, 497levee maintenance 491location 484, 484management challenges 489–93map of basin 484nature restoration project 496rainfall reconstruction technique357risk management 493river improvement measures 491public involvement in 492Sagamigawa River basin 485–6water quality indicators 486,497sharing of in<strong>for</strong>mation 492–3sharing water 488, 497Tamagawa River basin 485–6river improvement plan 374,492water quality indicators 486,497Tonegawa River basin 485–6drought conciliation council491water quality indicators 497Tsurumigawa River basin 485–6water quality indicators 486,497upstream/downstream cooperation495valuing water 498water governance 374water qualityimproving 492indicators 43, 495, 497water resource management 493,495water resource policies 490water resources 486–8Greececities 162drought(s) 275food supply indicators 196land area 72national reports 516population 72progress on Agenda 21 523threatened freshwater fish species141water availability per person 72water quality indicator 140‘green agricultural revolution’ 78,216, 220Green Cross International (GCI), waterconflict prevention web site 322greenhouse gas emissionseffects on climate 76, 282from agriculture 218hydropower compared withthermal plants 254–5, 258,259see also carbon dioxide emissionsGreenlandfood supply indicators 196land area 70population 70water availability per person 70water resources 68, 82Grenadafood supply indicators 196national reports 516progress on Agenda 21 524progress towards Goals 531tourism 16‘grey water’ systems 182grid electricity, and poverty alleviation250gross domestic product (GDP)Asian countries 392ICT expenditure as 365per capita <strong>for</strong> various countries359, 418gross domestic product/gross nationalproduct (GDP/GNP) indicators 40,42gross national product (GNP)as indicator 6, 52R&D expenditure as 359South American countries 468ground ice, water resources in 68, 82groundwater 78–82agricultural use 78, 80, 209–10annual global withdrawal rate 78as common property resource 331effect of industrial use 232exploitation as resource 78effect on urban areas 89socio-economic benefits 78,81

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