Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository


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556 / A N N E X E SIndexwater quality indicators 135, 140,426, 444, 480, 497water supply access indicators110, 395, 421, 426, 444, 473,474, 480, 497Indonesiaaccess to electricity 253cities 162, 163, 164, 165cost recovery in irrigation schemes336food supply indicators 197hydropower 258industrial water efficiency 235land area 71national reports 516population 71, 235progress on Agenda 21 522progress towards Goals 531water availability per person 71water prices 341water quality indicator 140Indus River basin 84, 219, 306Indus River Commission 313industrial developmentrecommendations <strong>for</strong> futurestrategies 244and water demand 229–33industrial practices, local improvementwith global/regional benefits240–3industrial use of water 225–46in Africa 511in Asia 395–6, 488, 497, 512compared with other uses 228,244, 294, 331data availability 233–4in Europe 240, 410–11, 437–8,512global total 229, 509indicators <strong>for</strong> 48, 234, 426, 444,497monitoring of 233–4Industrial Value Added (IVA)in industrial water efficiency index234listed <strong>for</strong> various countries 235–7industrial waste, pollution by 103,106industrial water productivity, listed <strong>for</strong>various countries 235–7industry 225–46Agenda 21 on 227challenges 20impacts on water resources 227at basin scale 238–40in coastal zones 240on global scale 229–30at local level 232–3quality 227quantity 227at regional level 230–2progress since Rio 245water pollution by 15, 103, 106,134, 227, 229, 231, 232, 241,243, 244web sites on 246infectious diarrhoeal diseases 102–3causes 102deaths due to 104factors affecting incidence 108in<strong>for</strong>mal settlementssanitation in 173see also squatter communitiesin<strong>for</strong>mation and communicationtechnology (ICT)expenditure as percentage of GDP365factors limiting use 362, 364in Japan 493and online education facilities361and sharing knowledge andin<strong>for</strong>mation 493, 509in<strong>for</strong>mation need, defining 43–4inland fisheries 202effect of agricultural water use218and food security 214–15yields from rice–fish farming 215inland water ecosystems seefreshwater ecosystemsinsecticides, restrictions on use 122inshore waters, contamination byurban wastewater discharges 176institutional arrangementsat basin level 315–16, 439in case studies 397–8,411–12, 422, 456–7, 475<strong>for</strong> irrigation water management215–16<strong>for</strong> sharing of water resources214, 314, 411–12, 456–7, 475,476institutional constraint(s), to effectiverisk management 284integrated approach 505–8microcosm example 506, 508Integrated Coastal Zone Management(ICZM) approach 231, 240Integrated Environmental andEconomic Accounting (IEEA)indicator 38Integrated Pollution Prevention andControl (IPPC) Directive 239Integrated River Basin Management(IRBM) approach 240Integrated <strong>Water</strong> ResourcesManagement (IWRM) 376–7and climate change 76ecosystems approach 152, 377framework <strong>for</strong> 376and health issues 120–1and hydropower 264, 265in Japan 493Lake Titicaca basin 476and poverty alleviation 7and risk mitigation 272–3and sharing of water resources299–300in Sri Lanka 420, 423, 425and sustainable development 7, 37in <strong>Thailand</strong> 398, 399Toolbox <strong>for</strong> 360and water governance 370, 372and water valuation 328, 333Intergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange (IPCC) 17, 76, 282internal renewable water resourcesdescriptive indicator map 35listed <strong>for</strong> various countries 70–4International Association ofHydrogeologists (IAH) 69, 78International Association ofHydrological Sciences (IAHS)and FRIEND project 69Global Databases Metadata System69Prediction of Ungauged Basins(PUB) initiative 357International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA)Global Network <strong>for</strong> Isotopes inPrecipitation 69, 357Isotope Hydrology Sectiontechniques 80web site 266International Commission on LargeDams (ICOLD), definition of largedam 83International Commission <strong>for</strong> theProtection of the Danube River(ICPDR) 297International Conference onFreshwater (Bonn, 2001) 20, 27Action Plan 505Ministerial Declaration 27, 326,329, 338, 380Recommendations <strong>for</strong> Action 27,526Toolbox <strong>for</strong> IWRM launched at360on water-related disasters 272,278International Conference on <strong>Water</strong> andthe Environment (Dublin, 1992)25, 130, 227, 326n(1), 348Dublin Statement 17–18, 25, 130,326, 352International Conference on <strong>Water</strong> andSustainable Development (Paris,1998) 26International Consultative Consortiumon The Nile (ICCON) 315International Court of Justice (ICJ)302, 303International Covenant on Economic,Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR,1966) 193International Decade <strong>for</strong> NaturalDisaster Reduction (1990–2000)24, 27Scientific and Technical Committee,risk-assessment/managementinitiative 281International Drinking <strong>Water</strong> Supplyand Sanitation Decade (IDWSSD,1981–1990) 7, 24, 120, 166monitoring by <strong>WHO</strong> 112results 8, 120International Geosphere BiosphereProgramme (IGBP) 69International Hydrological Decade(IHD) 88International Hydrological Programme(IHP) 69, 78, 88, 95International Hydropower Association(IHA), on potential hydropowercapacity 254International Initiative <strong>for</strong> CommunityMultimedia Centres (CMC) 364International Institute <strong>for</strong> Environmentand Development (IIED), SenegalRiver basin study 214International Institute <strong>for</strong>Infrastructural, Hydraulic andEnvironmental Engineering (IHE)361, 361International Institute <strong>for</strong> SustainableDevelopment (IISD), on indicators33, 40, 42International Joint Commission (UnitedStates/Canada) 318international law 302web site covering 322International Monetary Fund (IMF),Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers7, 382International Network of Basin

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