Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository


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4 4 4 / P I L O T C A S E S T U D I E S : A F O C U S O N R E A L - W O R L D E X A M P L E SSeine-Normandy Basin, FranceBox 19.1: continuedIf we attempt to assign global scores <strong>for</strong> sustainable resource management we run the risk of ending up with meaningless figures. The details onwhich the ratings are based must be preserved and accompanied by the individual scores <strong>for</strong> each indicator. The methods used to obtain andcalculate indicators must also be described in detail. It might be difficult to assign a precise score to some indicators. The state of theenvironment, <strong>for</strong> example, is generally shown with a map. Weighting, which favours certain themes or indicators to the detriment of others,should also be carefully considered. For example, different weighting methods would result in different scores, each of which could be used tomore accurately reflect a specific area of water management (shortages, governance, environment).Data <strong>for</strong> some of the indicators proposed by WWAP are now being gathered at the Seine-Normandy basin level. Data gathering methods <strong>for</strong>others are still being developed, while <strong>for</strong> still others data cannot be gathered at present, or the indicators are too vague.Challenge areaSeine-Normandy basin indicatorSURFACE WATER • Withdrawals: 2,044 bm 3 /year• Precipitation: 750 mm• Evapotranspiration: 500 mmWATER QUALITY • Yearly maps <strong>for</strong> monitoring the quality ofwater courses using indicators• SEQ tool (Quality Evaluation System) isused, which covers groups of similarparameters• French Environmental Institute (IFEN)quality indicatorsGROUNDWATER • 10 major water tables• Withdrawals: 1,213 bm 3 /year• Volume of underground resources has notyet been accurately assessed• Piezometric monitoring of groundwatertables; three tables have overrun thehydric stress threshold over the last tenyears, but have been filled up again dueto recent heavy rainfallPROTECTING HEALTH • Incidence of water borne diseases is low• Virtually all households have access togood quality potable water (con<strong>for</strong>mitylevel of potable water analyses > 99% <strong>for</strong>the sixty-two parameters)• 0.03% of the population is deprived ofpotable water several days per year dueto turbidity in periods of heavy rainfall incertain zones• 88% of the population has access tocollective sanitation and 10% useindividual sanitation measures (in ruralareas)• Right to water is legally recognized• Public drinking fountains, washing placesor baths in each town or village• Temporary social aid <strong>for</strong> the poor inpaying their water bills; water cuts veryrare and theoretically <strong>for</strong>bidden <strong>for</strong> poor<strong>people</strong>Challenge areaSeine-Normandy basin indicatorPROTECTING • Present estimation of the surface area ofECOSYSTEMSwetlands: 580,969 hectares, 6% of thebasin area), of which 2% isprotected by national regulations and 9%by international regulations• In 2004, 31% of wetlands will beclassified as sites of European importance.• Three Ramsar sites• 1.6% of the surface area in the basin hasbeen rendered impermeable• Around 600,000 ha drained between1974 and 1999 (in other words 6.2% ofthe basin area)• 33 fish species listed in the SeineWATER AND CITIES • Withdrawals of potable water: 1.6 bm 3• 20% leaks and is used <strong>for</strong> cleaning thenetwork; the inhabitants consume 70m 3 /year.• 100% have access to potable water• Access to sanitation in towns currentlybeing evaluated• 100% of communities with more than10,000 inhabitant equivalents have awastewater treatment plant• The responsibility (penal) <strong>for</strong> water andsanitation services is incumbent on thelocal authoritySECURING THE FOOD • Indicator that is not very relevant in theSeine-Normandy basin (no problems ofsecuring food)SUPPLY WATER • Annual use of water by industry: 95 m 3 /AND INDUSTRY inhabitant (of which 2/3 is used <strong>for</strong>cooling thermal power plants) <strong>for</strong> 188 m 3 /inhabitant of the water withdrawn annually• Pollution from industries not connected tothe sewage system: 147 t/day of oxidizablematter; 19 t/day of nitrogenous matter: 3.2milliequivalents (Meq)/day of inhibitingmatter; 2.9 t/day of toxic metals.

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