Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository


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L A K E P E I P S I / C H U D S K O E - P S K O V S K O E , E S T O N I A A N D T H E R U S S I A N F E D E R A T I O N / 4 0 3Every seed knows its time.Russian proverbLAKE PEIPSI/CHUDSKOE-PSKOVSKOE, a transboundary lake thatdischarges into the Baltic Sea, is shared by Estonia and theRussian Federation, both of which are responsible <strong>for</strong> itsmanagement. There is abundant water to meet the needs of an ageing,essentially rural, local population. However, uncontrolled fishing,eutrophication and pollution from untreated wastewater and powerplant emissions have put the environment under increasing pressure.A joint water commission was created in 1997, but so far the economicpotential of the area is underexploited, and more could be done toengage local and regional authorities, stakeholders and privatebusinesses in solving common problems. Many changes will have tooccur in 2004/5, as Estonia must adopt new standards in order to gainentry to the European Union.

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