Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository


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G R E A T E R T O KY O , J A P A N / 4 9 5Use of existing facilitiesAs the construction of new water resource development facilities isbecoming difficult due to the lack of suitable grounds, it is essential touse the already existent facilities as efficiently as possible (MOC,1995). The Reorganization of Dam Groups is designed to redistributethe storage capacities of the existing dams by taking into considerationthe particular features of each type of dam. This redistribution seeksto improve flood control and water use functions, that is, seeks tomitigate flood risk by enhancing the flood-regulating effect, and toimprove the riparian environment by restoring the river’s flow. The firstproject <strong>for</strong> this trial will start in the upper Tonegawa River(Improvement and Management Division, Bureau River, MLIT, 2001).Upstream/downstream cooperationMany Japanese cities have developed in downstream areas whereaswater facilities were built upstream. People living in upstream areasworry about changes in their lives and jobs, and gain no benefit fromthe construction of dams, unlike downstream inhabitants. To deal withthis problem, measures <strong>for</strong> the reservoir area development were taken,based on the Act on Special Measures <strong>for</strong> Reservoir Area Developmentimplemented in 1974. In September 1999 however, a meeting aboutmeasures taken <strong>for</strong> this development highlighted the need <strong>for</strong> goodmanagement of water resources, and <strong>for</strong> the cooperation betweenauthorities in upstream and downstream areas. In this meeting, theimportance of basin management was also raised (MOC, 1999).Coping with diverse needsProtecting the natural environment and quality of water has becomemore important in water management. With <strong>people</strong> more involved inthe water management process, it is necessary to make the processof improving the natural environment and water quality astransparent as possible, with full disclosure of all in<strong>for</strong>mation. Also,with urbanization, many <strong>people</strong> have begun to search more actively<strong>for</strong> places to enjoy nature. More ef<strong>for</strong>t must be made to createcommunities where the places in which <strong>people</strong> work and live areintegrated with a natural river environment.Developing a water quality indicatorExisting indicators such as BOD levels cannot fully describe thepresent water condition. In 1998, a study was conducted in the fiverivers of Greater Tokyo <strong>for</strong> the development of easilycomprehensible indicators to monitor the water quality conditions,and new indicators are being developed (Kanto RegionalDevelopment Bureau, MLIT, 2002). The river administrator proposedindicators through the Internet and collected opinions from thepublic (see map 22.3). Comprehensibility of indicators is consideredimportant, and the study emphasized and proposed indicators basedon three aspects: <strong>people</strong>’s relationship with water, rich biodiversityand drinking water.Map 22.3: Proposed new water quality indicator <strong>for</strong> recreational useBest <strong>for</strong> swimmingGood <strong>for</strong> swimmingFair, not <strong>for</strong> swimmingNot goodNo dataKarasugawaTakamatauBando bridgeKinugawaWatarasegawaKirui Fureai beachKuge bridgeAkanva intakeTone barrageUwadana bridgeKurihashiKinugawa bridgeNoguchiNature Sakakieducation bridgecentreKokaigawaKujigawaNakagawaNagareyama NakagoKomagawa bridgebridgeFukawa Suigo bridgeAkigase barrage Shi-KatsushikaKiko bridge Chofu bridgeFusashitaSugabridgeTonegawaHaijima bridge Hirari bridge Edogawa water gateFutako bridgeEdogawaArakawaFuefukigawaKamenoko bridge TamagawaTsurumigawaBanyu bridgeFujigawaSagamigawaThis proposed water quality indicator clearly and efficientlyshows the public which areas in Greater Tokyo are suitable<strong>for</strong> recreational use.Source: Kanto Regional Development Bureau, MLIT, 2002.

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