Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository

Water for people.pdf - WHO Thailand Digital Repository


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3 2 2 / M A N A G E M E N T C H A L L E N G E S : S T E W A R D S H I P A N D G O V E R N A N C ESharing <strong>Water</strong>: Defining a Common InterestLe Coz, D. 2000. ‘Gestion durable d’une ressource en eaux souterraine – Cas de laNappe de Beauce’. La Houille Blanche, Vol. 7/8, No. 66, p. 116.Ministerial Declaration of The Hague on <strong>Water</strong> Security in the 21st Century. 2000. Officialoutcome of the Second World <strong>Water</strong> Forum, 3–7 December 2001, The Hague.Mouray, V. and Vernoux, J.-F. 2000 (May). Les risques pesant sur les nappes d’eausouterraine d’Ile-de-France. Ile-de-France, Direction Régionale de l’Environnementd’Ile-de-France.Ohlsson, L. 1999. Environment, Scarcity and Conflict: A Study of Malthusian Concerns.Department of Peace and Development Research, University of Göteborg.Puri, S. 2001a (September). ‘The Challenge of Managing Transboundary Aquifers –Multidisciplinary and Multifunctional Approaches’. Paper presented at theInternational Conference on Hydrological Challenges in Transboundary <strong>Water</strong>Resources Management, September 2001, International HydrologicalProgramme/United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization andOperational Hydrological Programme, Koblenz, Germany, Bundesanstalt furGewasserkunde (Federal Institute of Hydrography).——— (ed.). 2001b. ‘Internationally Shared Aquifer Resources Management – theirsignificance and sustainable management’. A Framework Document: Non-serialDocument in Hydrology, SC-2001/WS/40. Paris, United Nations EducationalScientific and Cultural Organization.Roth, K.; Vollhofer, O.; Samek, K. 2001. ‘German-Austrian Cooperation in Modelling andManaging a Transboundary Deep Groundwater Aquifer <strong>for</strong> Thermal <strong>Water</strong> Use’.Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrological Challenges inTransboundary <strong>Water</strong> Resources Management, September 2001, Koblenz, Germany,German National Committee <strong>for</strong> International Hydrological Programme/UnitedNations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization and OperationalHydrological Programme of the World Meteorological Organization.Some Useful Web Sites*Sydykov, Z.-S; Poryadin, V.-I; Vinniocova, G.-G; Oshlakov, V.-C; Dementiev; Dzakelov, A.-R. 1998. ‘Estimation and Forecast of the State of Ecological-HydrogeologicalProcesses and Systems’. In: N. Aladin. Ecological Research and Monitoring of theAral Sea Deltas – A Basis <strong>for</strong> Restoration. Aral Sea Project, 1992–1996 FinalScientific Research. Paris, United Nations Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization.UN (United Nations). 2000. United Nations Millennium Declaration. Resolution adoptedby the General Assembly. A/RES/55/2.———. 1992. Agenda 21. Programme of Action <strong>for</strong> Sustainable Development. Officialoutcome of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development(UNCED), 3–14 June 1992, Rio de Janeiro.———. 1978. Register of International Rivers. New York, Pergamon Press.UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission <strong>for</strong> Europe). 2000. Guidelines onMonitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Groundwaters. Lelystad.UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). 2001.Internationally Shared (Transboundary) Aquifer Resources Management: AFramework Document. Paris, IHP Non Serial Publications in Hydrology.Van Dam, J.-C. and Wessel, J. (eds.). 1993. Transboundary River Basin Managementand Sustainable Development. Vol. 2. Proceedings of the Lustrum SymposiumDelft 1992. Paris, International Hydrological Programme/United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.Van Wijk, C.; De Lange, E.; Saunders, D. 1996. ‘Gender Aspects in the Management of<strong>Water</strong>’. Natural Resources Forum, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 91–103.Wolf, A.; Natharius, J.; Danielson, J.; Ward, B.; Pender, J. 1999 (December).‘International River Basins of the World’. International Journal of <strong>Water</strong> ResourcesDevelopment, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 387–427.Wolf, A.; Yoffe, S.; Giordana, M. Forthcoming. ‘International <strong>Water</strong>s: Identifying Basins atRisk’. <strong>Water</strong> Policy.World Bank. 1998. International <strong>Water</strong>courses – Enhancing Cooperation and ManagingConflict. Technical paper No. 414. Washington DC.From Potential Conflict to Cooperation Potential (PCCP)http://www.unesco.org/water/wwap/pccp/In collaboration with Green Cross International, and part of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO)International Hydrological Programme (IHP), PCCP provides tools <strong>for</strong> aiding conflict resolution in transboundary water bodies. PCCP is also aUNESCO contribution to WWAP.Green Cross International (GCI), <strong>Water</strong> Conflict Preventionhttp://www.gci.ch/GreenCrossPrograms/waterres/waterresource.htmlAims to actively avoid and mitigate conflict in water-stressed regions. Provides news events, links, and bibliography.International <strong>Water</strong> Law Projecthttp://www.internationalwaterlaw.org/Joint United Nations initiative. Provides in<strong>for</strong>mation, bibliography, and documents on water laws relating to transboundary water resources.Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Databasehttp://www.transboundarywaters.orst.edu/Searchable database of water-related treaties organized by basin, countries or states involved. Focuses on problems related tointernational waters.*These sites were last assessed on 6 January 2003.

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