Honouring the Truth Reconciling for the Future




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168 • <strong>Truth</strong> & Reconciliation Commission498. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa, RG10, volume 8703, file 962/6-1, part 7,NAC – Ottawa, L. K. Poupore to H. M. Jones, 14 October 1957. [JOE-063234]499. TRC, NRA, INAC – Departmental Library – Ottawa, “St. Michael’s Indian School Wins ServiceClub Trophy,” The Indian Record, April 1946. [SMD-002822]500. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8610, file 652/1-13, part 1, GeorgeRoussel to B. F. Neary, 25 March 1949. [SMD-001575-0001]501. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8610, file 652/1-13, part 1, Geo.-L.Roussel to B. F. Neary, 25 March 1949. [SMD-001575-0001]502. Marks, They Call Me Chief, 31. Sasakamoose played with <strong>the</strong> Chicago Blackhawks in <strong>the</strong>1952–53 season. He was born on <strong>the</strong> Sandy Lake, Saskatchewan, reserve in 1933. TRC, NRA,INAC – Departmental Library – Ottawa, “Saskatchewan Midget Hockey Champions,” IndianRecord, Volume 12, Number 5, May 1949. [SMD-002829]503. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 792, file 344, Pratt, Gerry. “LittleIndians Are Big Fighters,” in <strong>the</strong> Vancouver Sun Magazine Supplement, 31 March 1951.[NPC-600625]504. TRC, NRA, INAC – Departmental Library – Ottawa, “First Winner of <strong>the</strong> Tom Longboat Trophy,”The Indian Missionary Record, Volume 15, Number 3, March 1952, 3. [IMR-000400]505. Hughes, Jackson Beardy, 6–7.506. MacGregor, Chief, 34–35.507. Canadien, From Lishamie, 253–254.508. Canadien, From Lishamie, 264–265.509. For an example from <strong>the</strong> Presbyterian school at Shoal Lake, see: TRC, NRA, Library andArchives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 1, “Report of Inspector Semmens on <strong>the</strong>Cecilia Jaffrey [sic] Boarding School,” 22 January 1917. [IRC-048048]510. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4041, file 334503, Duncan Campbell Scott toFrank Pedley, 19 February 1912, cited in Wasylow, “History of Battle<strong>for</strong>d Industrial School,”261–263. For Battle<strong>for</strong>d capacity, see: Canada, Annual Report of <strong>the</strong> Department of IndianAffairs, 1907, 341.511. Canada, Annual Report of <strong>the</strong> Department of Indian Affairs, 1915, xxvi.512. Canada, Annual Report of <strong>the</strong> Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 297; Canada, Annual Reportof <strong>the</strong> Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 474; TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, PAA71.220 B16 668, unsigned letter to J. T. McNally, 22 February 1922. [OGP-090011]513. Canada, Annual Report of <strong>the</strong> Department of Indian Affairs 1906, 191; Canada, Annual Reportof <strong>the</strong> Department of Indian Affairs, 1907, xxxiii.514. For St. Boniface closing, see: Canada, Annual Report of <strong>the</strong> Department of Indian Affairs, 1905,xxxiii; Canada, Annual Report of <strong>the</strong> Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 191. For difficultyin recruiting, see: Canada, Annual Report of <strong>the</strong> Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 362. ForCalgary closing, see: Canada, Annual Report of <strong>the</strong> Department of Indian Affairs, 1908, 197.For Calgary recruiting problem, see: Canada, Annual Report of <strong>the</strong> Department of IndianAffairs, 1904, 375. For Regina closing, see: Canada, Annual Report of <strong>the</strong> Department of IndianAffairs, 1910, 364. For evidence of Indian Affairs’ dissatisfaction with <strong>the</strong> management of <strong>the</strong>Regina school, see: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6332, file 661-1,part 1, W. M. Graham to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 17 November 1910. [RLS-000027] For<strong>the</strong> Elkhorn school, see: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3925, file116823-1A, Clerk of <strong>the</strong> Privy Council to Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 18 February

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