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ning and volume-composite qualities 4 . Constructivist project by<br />

architects Sergey Serafi mov and Mariya Zandberg-Serafi mova,<br />

realized in the early 1930’s, took into account the location of<br />

the House of Projects in the city space. Its main facade – which<br />

was oriented to the north – has always remained dark.<br />

In addition, the building gives a deep shadow on the round<br />

part of the Dzerzhinsky Square closing its South side due<br />

to the high-rise composition. The creators ably coped with this<br />

problem at that time. They had provided large vertical surfaces<br />

of glass that allowed beams of the southern sun to penetrate<br />

the building, to highlight the central part of a building from<br />

within, and long stripes of light to fall on the area of ground<br />

in front of the building (Fig. 3a). This play of light was lost forever<br />

after reconstruction [6]. Vertical glazing was transformed<br />

in the conventional windows (Fig. 3b).<br />

The creators of the reconstruction project (architects<br />

Kostenko, V., Kamirny, V., Livshits, V., Ermilov, I., Lipkin, V.)<br />

proposed to expand the central part of the building (thus losing<br />

its harmony), and to crown it with Stalin’s monument,<br />

then later, with a spire. Eventually, both ideas were rejected.<br />

The bases which were laid under the central square tower<br />

were not used; the spire was also not made [7]. The central<br />

part of the building had kept its basic proportions. However,<br />

the main entrance, which was raised above the ground on columns<br />

and corresponded to a principle point of Modem Architecture<br />

“the building raised on stilts” was replaced in the<br />

project by a heavy portal.<br />

Increasing the height of the two lateral wings, facing<br />

with a ceramic tile, alterations to some parts and re-planning<br />

due to changes in function and style, have collectively caused a<br />

deformation of the initial shape of the House of Projects. It is<br />

now impossible to return it to authenticity. Even now it retains<br />

a volume-spatial composition of constructivism, but shows all<br />

signs of Socialist realism style.<br />

The House of Cooperation has an even more complicated<br />

history during its transformation from Constructivism<br />

to Socialist Realism (Fig. 4). In the early 1930’s it was still<br />

in a stage of erection. Since 1934 it has undergone many<br />

transformations in the “Stalin’s empire style” to meet the<br />

needs of the Military-Economic Academy before and after<br />

World War II.<br />

The fi nal project of reconstruction was not implemented<br />

completely because of the offi cial change of style trends in architecture:<br />

the height of the central tower was reduced from 15<br />

to 12 fl oors [8] (Fig. 4). Obviously, this building is an example of<br />

socialist realism; its development is an antithesis to constructivism.<br />

Today, the continued authenticity of its interiors is in danger.<br />

Several years ago the building had been transferred to the<br />

possession the Kharkiv State University, which has insuffi cient<br />

means for the proper restoration of the interiors. Renovations<br />

are being carried out with use of modern materials: wooden<br />

window frames are being replaced by metal-plastic, wooden parquet<br />

is being substituted for the original ceramic tile, etc.<br />

4 The skeleton of the building was transferred to the possession of<br />

the Kharkiv State University in 1950.<br />

Summary<br />

What style of building is this?<br />

203<br />

Because of biographical features of the socialist realism<br />

style (its forced introduction and subsequent interruptions)<br />

— part of its architectural heritage is in essence the elemental<br />

“decorated constructivism” to a greater or lesser extent. Many<br />

Soviet cities (including Kharkiv) lost their “avant-garde spirit”<br />

which became hidden under a shell of socialist realism in the<br />

1930’s-1950’s.<br />

To restore a truthful image of the city it is necessary to<br />

fi nd a reasonable balance in the display of historical landmarks<br />

in both styles, in the modern image of Kharkiv.<br />

For this purpose it is necessary:<br />

– to defi ne (on the basis of research) the degree of preservation<br />

of material traces of both periods of city<br />

development in the existing landscape;<br />

– to reveal those avant-garde buildings in Kharkiv that<br />

can serve as historical landmarks and for which it is<br />

possible to revert to authenticity.<br />

The following should be considered:<br />

1. The degree of existing preservation of original architectural,<br />

planning and constructive solutions: the<br />

probability of rehabilitation of facades, interiors and<br />

details.<br />

2. Existence of historical documentation (drawings,<br />

photographs, sketches, text information), which<br />

can be used for restoration of the authentic shape of<br />

a building;<br />

3. Any damage during the reconstruction period of socialist<br />

realism caused to some constructivist buildings<br />

that led to the loss of their aesthetic, urban, architectural<br />

and compositional, constructive qualities.<br />

4. Economic, ethical and other reasons.<br />

Extensive discussions and serious research on this theme<br />

are necessary to achieve a decision.<br />

Bibliography<br />

Khan-Magomedov, S.O. Soviet avant-garde architecture. Book<br />

1: Problems of morphogenesis. Masters and trends. – Moscow:<br />

Stroyizdat, 1996. – 709 pp.<br />

Lynch, K. The image of the city. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press,<br />

1960.<br />

Ivolgin, V. Kharkov – Kharkiv. Sketch // Universal magazine. –<br />

1928. – No 1. – P. 67-73].<br />

Lopovok L. To the question on the architectural ensemble of the city<br />

// Architecture. –1928. – No 5-6. – P. 79-81.<br />

Laibfraid, A., Polyakova, J. Kharkov: From the Fortress to<br />

the Capital: Notes on the Old City. - Kharkov: Folio, 2004. –<br />

P. 185.<br />

From conversations with Professor of Architecture Sergey M. Petrov<br />

in November 2009.<br />

Mozhaiko I. Kharkov: what it could be. The embodied and forgotten<br />

projects of architects // Kharkov news. – 2009. – December,<br />

15th. – P. 13.<br />

Shpara, P.E. Notes of the architect – Kiev: Budivelnyk, 1988. –<br />

88 pp.

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