21.01.2015 Aufrufe

Bausteine - Referate - Jana Milosovicova - Urban Design English

Bausteine - Referate - Jana Milosovicova - Urban Design English

Bausteine - Referate - Jana Milosovicova - Urban Design English


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of seven points in LEED-ND.<br />

<strong>Design</strong> and Walkability<br />

LEED-ND criteria for walkable design include<br />

providing building entries on a street, square<br />

or park (not on a parking lot), creating at least<br />

a 1:3 building height-to-street-width ratio and<br />

providing continuous sidewalks. After meeting<br />

the first set of criteria worth four points, an additional<br />

four points can be earned for additional<br />

elements. These elements include: buildings located<br />

near the property line (within 0-25 feet<br />

or 0-8 meters), frequent building entries, limited<br />

blank walls along the street, ground floor retail,<br />

street parking and street trees. Another credit<br />

for is awarded for locating parking alongside or<br />

behind a building and not in front between the<br />

building and the street.<br />

LEED-ND also considers street density and connectivity.<br />

Points are given for the street network<br />

density within the project, as measured by street<br />

centerline miles per square mile. An additional<br />

credit is achieved for building a through-street<br />

every 800 feet (250 meters) along the project<br />

boundary, although exceptions are made for<br />

natural features such as water or streams and<br />

infrastructure such as highways or railroads.<br />

4. Conservation and Restoration<br />

of the Environment<br />

The Conservation and Restoration of the Environment<br />

category addresses impervious surfaces,<br />

stormwater management, groundwater<br />

quality, water bodies and habitat protection. The<br />

main goals are reducing and cleaning stormwater<br />

runoff, protecting habitat areas and limiting<br />

site disturbance.<br />

Water<br />

For impervious surface and stormwater treatment,<br />

LEED-ND calls for all stormwater to be<br />

infiltrated, reused or evapotranspirated for either<br />

90 percent of the average annual rainfall or<br />

1 inch (2.5 cm) of rainfall. Up to five points are<br />

awarded for the percentage of impervious surface<br />

treated in this manner. Rainwater absorption<br />

is given a high weight of 7 percent in the<br />

Assessment Matrix. The best score is given to<br />

projects if the amount of rainwater absorbed<br />

by the ground increases and filters pollutants in<br />

the process; the score declines as the amount of<br />

rainwater absorbed decreases. The Assessment<br />

Matrix measures the amount of impervious surface<br />

change, giving the best scores if there is no<br />

impervious surface change and worse scores if<br />

impervious surfaces increase. This reinforces a<br />

site selection of previously developed locations<br />

which have higher amounts of impervious surface.<br />

An areas with water bodies and wetlands, LEED-<br />

ND requires a minimal impact on the 100<br />

foot (30 meter) buffer around them. Another<br />

LEED-ND prerequisite is to either not build in<br />

a floodplain or if the area is previously developed,<br />

to follow federal recommended standards<br />

for floodplain development. LEED-ND also<br />

provides credits for water body and wetland<br />

conservation, restoration and management;<br />

however these credits can be earned either for<br />

water bodies and wetlands or for habitat (and<br />

are described below with Habitat). For surface<br />

water quality in the Assessment Matrix, the best<br />

score is achieved if water bodies in the area are<br />

improved; poor scores are given if water bodies<br />

become more impaired as a result of the plan.<br />

Habitat<br />

LEED-ND also offers points for the conservation,<br />

restoration and management of either water<br />

or habitat areas. Conservation efforts need<br />

to include all important natural habitats that<br />

can be identified (or alternately, all water bodies,<br />

wetlands and a 100 foot (30 meter) buffer). Restoration<br />

effects of these predevelopment conditions<br />

need to be 10 percent of the development<br />

footprint to achieve the credit. In addition<br />

to creating a management plan, it also needs to<br />

be funded for 10 years to reach the credit. The<br />


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