21.01.2015 Aufrufe

Bausteine - Referate - Jana Milosovicova - Urban Design English

Bausteine - Referate - Jana Milosovicova - Urban Design English

Bausteine - Referate - Jana Milosovicova - Urban Design English


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Sustainable neighborhood rating systems: An international comparison<br />

Die Bewertungsmatrix<br />

Water<br />

• SLL PRQ: Locate where there is no wetlands<br />

or water bodies, compensate for<br />

impacts to those if the area is highly developed;<br />

if not highly developed, only minimal<br />

impacts are allowed.<br />

• SLL PRQ: If located in a floodplain, use<br />

only previously developed areas and follow<br />

federal recommended standards for<br />

floodplain development.<br />

• SLL CR: Conserve all water bodies, wetlands<br />

and a buffer around them (may substitute<br />

habitat conservation). (1 point)<br />

• Impervious surface change: there is less imper-<br />

vious surface and major impaired or contaminated<br />

areas would be improved (1,0); there is<br />

no impervious surface change and minor contaminated<br />

areas are improved (2,0); 10-50%<br />

more impervious surface is created (3,0-4,0);<br />

over 50% more impervious surface is created<br />

(5,0-6,0). Weight: 2.0%<br />

• Ground absorption of rainwater: will increase<br />

and be cleaned by a filtering process (1,0);<br />

will increase (2,0); does not change (3,0); will<br />

decrease somewhat (4,0); will greatly decrease<br />

(6,0). Weight: 7.0%.<br />

• SLL CR: Restore predevelopment water<br />

bodies or wetlands, in an area equal to<br />

10% of the development footprint (may<br />

substitute native habitat restoration). (1<br />

point)<br />

The nearby surface waters will be: improved<br />

•<br />

(1,0); not changed (2,0); impaired (4,0); significantly<br />

impaired (6,0). Weight: 3.0%.<br />

• SLL CR: Create a management plan and<br />

funding for habitat sites or wetlands and<br />

water bodies for 10 years (may substitute<br />

native habitat site management). (1 point)<br />

• GCT CR: Stormwater treatment should<br />

infiltrate, reuse or evapotranspirate runoff<br />

from 90% of average annual rainfall or 1<br />

inch rainfall. Points awarded by percent of<br />

impervious surface treated, with the lesser<br />

number for previously developed sites: 15-<br />

20% (1 point); 30-40% (2 points); 45-60%<br />

(3 points); 60-80% (4 points); 75-100% (5<br />

points)<br />


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