the university of chicago the phonology and ... - SIL International

the university of chicago the phonology and ... - SIL International

the university of chicago the phonology and ... - SIL International


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33.<br />

“ @ @ @ @ J5(( J5(( J5(( J5(( KJK KJK KJK <br />

@ J5(( KJK <br />

1SG hear-NF in-in ear 1SG<br />

I’ve been hearing that<br />

<br />

<br />

( <br />

I( I( I( I( ( ( ( ( =C>= =C>= =C>= =C>= <br />

I ( =C>= <br />

2SG be-NF INF-enter hatred<br />

you hate me.<br />

1SG<br />

(<br />

34.<br />

==( ==( ==( ==( C= C= C= C= 5A 5A 5A 5A @ @ @ @ A(= A(= A(= A(=<br />

= C= 5A @ A(=<br />

1PL.INCL-FUT fight-FUT fight<br />

We will fight<br />

with 1SG <strong>the</strong>n<br />

(<br />

J( J( J( J( ( ( ( ( MK MK J( J( J( J( <br />

J( MK J( <br />

day DET COND-pound 2SG-FUT see-FUT 1SG REFL-2SG<br />

When <strong>the</strong> day comes, you’ll see me yourself.<br />

EMPH<br />

(<br />

35.<br />

==( ==( ==( ==( C= C= C= C= 5A 5A 5A 5A @ @ @ @ J( J( J( J( (C>J= (C>J= (C>J= (C>J= H H H H >> >> >> >><br />

= C= 5A @ J( (C>J= H >><br />

1PL.INCL-FUT fight-FUT fight<br />

We will fight <strong>the</strong> tug-<strong>of</strong>-war.<br />

with 1SG ?? INF-pull taut tired<br />

(<br />

36.<br />

( ( ( ( I I I I =(=CK( =(=CK( =(=CK( =(=CK(<br />

I =(==K(CK(<br />

day DET COND-be.ready 2SG-FUT be-FUT at-eye-water<br />

When <strong>the</strong> day comes, you’ll be in <strong>the</strong> water.<br />

(<br />

( ( ( ( I I I I =(( =(( =(( =(( CKIK CKIK” CKIK CKIK<br />

I =(( CKIK<br />

1SG 1SG-FUT be-FUT at-in bush<br />

And me, I’ll be in <strong>the</strong> bush.<br />


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