closure project manager - Document Request - U.S. Department of ...

closure project manager - Document Request - U.S. Department of ...

closure project manager - Document Request - U.S. Department of ...


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BASES<br />

RE0UIKE.D<br />

ACTION E. 1<br />

Revision 1<br />

September 1993<br />

LCO 3.1 will not bi: met if die Smoke Detection Alm TraismifXal Sv-stern is no!<br />

OPERABLE.. The absence <strong>of</strong> the fire detection acid alami fhnction in thc<br />

RUiLDlhG 99 1 COMI'LEX waste cogginer storage area (i ,e,, Buildin~~~~9~!~d.<br />

Corridor R) reduces the likelihood that the Fire <strong>Department</strong> wilt be notified that ;1<br />

fire has occurred in this area. Tile Fire <strong>Department</strong> serves a credited prokction<br />

fitnction in niitipating fires in the facility. Without the fire detection and aiai-rn<br />

- function. tlheJikelihood <strong>of</strong> Fire llepartment response is decreased. The 2'jn>m&:;<br />

Detection L41arm Transniitd System is only credited for those smoke detecrors in<br />

Corridor B and in Building 596.<br />

If the Smoke Detection Alarm Transmittal System is not OPERABLE. th2 fncil~t\<br />

shall comuly with Site requirements for establishing a fire watch ~ ~ h c<br />

AFFECTED AREAS within eight-hours. If a fire watch is established. thc lirc<br />

watch uartlv replaces the tirc detcidoii and ahmi fi~nctions <strong>of</strong> the Siiwog<br />

Detection Aim Transmittal System with a fir? watch individual capable ot<br />

providing the functions during watch tours. The fire watch individual is expr.c_tcd<br />

to notifir the Fire Departrnerit in the event <strong>of</strong> a fire. either via fire phones or .UI<br />

alternative method if the fire phones are unavailable.<br />

'Rie cstabbiisliing <strong>of</strong> a fire watch in the AFFECTED AREAS does not urokidc<br />

full-time tire detection and alarm capability. ,4 tire could initiate and prop3g;rtg<br />

between tours <strong>of</strong> the fire watch Because the fire watch does not monitor all .ms<br />

continuously and, therefore, does not completelv redace the fire detection nnd<br />

almi c'wabiiitv <strong>of</strong>the Smoke Detection Alarm Transmittal Svstem, a rcductiori III<br />

fire initiating event or propagation fieauencv is wamited. REQU 1 K 1: 1)<br />

ACTION E.2 is identified to reduce the likelihood <strong>of</strong> fire initiation in thc<br />


While the fire watch does not provide the hll-time fire detection and darrg<br />

capabilitv afforded bv can OPERABLE Smoke Detection Alarm Trmsmirril<br />

System, the be watch individual has the capability to detect fics during CJJ&<br />

develomnent. 'This earljer fire detection cwabilitv ~artidl~ oiT%e?~- hc<br />

non-continuous coverags <strong>of</strong>the fire wa~ch.<br />

The eirht-hour COMPLETTOb TIME for detemininr: and estahlishinx-3 I L I ,<br />

watch in accordance with Site requirements provides adequate time for fQictlI:><br />

manwement to assim the appropriate personnzl, particularly 011 back shitb JJI~<br />

weekends. The additional time is necessary for Building 996 since this arc3 I: .I ,<br />

vault and oiily persontie! authorized to open the vault doors can be assigmd *<br />

accomplish the tire watch The eight-hour COMPLETION TIME does not rpli!t<br />

in undue risk due to the low initiation frzauencv <strong>of</strong> a tire. wticuiariy in >~A\I~<br />

container storagc arcas However, the REOUIRED AC'ITOX to cstablish A- !I I.<br />

yatch in accordancnc-4th Site requirements is ewected to be im~leniente&~-~~ 11<br />

as rezsonabiy achicvablc. even if this is significantly less than thc SFS~I~II~J<br />

COMPLETION TIlLlE Ttie eight-hour COMPLETIOY TIME shouId not hc. :IKJ<br />

for operatiorial converiiericc<br />

A-40 Building 991 Complex bt \H<br />

'<br />

r\ppcndl\ \ ,

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