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present as varied a support for his or her opinions or proposals as can be mustered. This<br />

represents a significant shift in the basis for verification, from “authority” (based on the<br />

personal opinion of a person in a position of relative power) to “plausibility”’ (based on<br />

the consensual validation of others). From another standpoint, this shift may be said to<br />

represent the beginning of a movement from legitimate power, based on institutional<br />

position, to competence power, based on group participation and the pooled expertise of<br />

group members.<br />

As conflict accelerates, the psychological safety of the individual person becomes<br />

increasingly precarious. This is particularly true for T-groups, which are likely to<br />

include some members with strong needs for psychological safety. In the terminology of<br />

Bion (1974), those members are regularly shifting from fight to flight. They change the<br />

subject, make a joke, call for a recess, or provide overly rational analyses of problems.<br />

Such acts temporarily relieve tension, and the resulting relief allows for some relaxation<br />

in the defensive posture of the opponents. In turn, this relaxation may extend the<br />

receptivity of the opponents so that each becomes aware of the divergent ideas of others.<br />

Through pairing and improved dyadic relations, others in the T-group may lay a<br />

foundation for enlarging the pair to a generalized other, such as the total T-group.<br />

Finally, using Bion’s last type of reaction to a group, dependency, we see that some<br />

people may become counter-dependent by holding the group at bay and adjusting to the<br />

group by being devil’s advocates. Such people are typically more devil than advocate,<br />

but they serve the useful function of strengthening the solidarity of the group and its<br />

adherence to shared norms.<br />

Continuing conflict requires that each opponent interfere with the outcomes of<br />

others and be prepared to pay the costs in time, energy, and the utilization of resources.<br />

In the most extreme and durable manifestation of conflict, the opponents invest more<br />

energy in reducing the outcome of others than in increasing their own outcomes. In this<br />

case, the total outcome is a negative win-lose situation. Protracted internecine conflict is<br />

limited by how long the opponents can continue to suffer losses. The costs of such<br />

conflicts ultimately become the primary limiting factor.<br />

As the costs of conflict mount, collective outcomes are reduced, the group<br />

experiences little or no progress, and breaks appear in the vicious cycle of mutual attack.<br />

As breaks in the conflict appear in a T-group, for example, a few members offer succor<br />

to one another, support an opinion or action or proposal, and even endorse the selfdisclosure<br />

involved in the active fight behavior of the more aggressive opponents. These<br />

forms of support may provide the beginning of a shared regard, a recognition of the<br />

wide range of divergent ideas, an extension of the resources that are potentially<br />

complementary and reciprocal, and the awareness that varied and complex resources are<br />

needed. The extended repertoire of explicit resources is brought into active<br />

consideration; commitments to old ways of relating are less tenable; and conditions for<br />

the modification of all relations are now favorable. Accommodation appears, at first in<br />

awkward fragments, then in coordinated actions, and finally in consensually validated<br />

settlements (Glidewell, 1975).<br />

The Pfeiffer Library Volume 6, 2nd Edition. Copyright ©1998 Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer ❚❘ 377

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