John James Marshall thesis.pdf - OpenAIR @ RGU - Robert Gordon ...

John James Marshall thesis.pdf - OpenAIR @ RGU - Robert Gordon ...

John James Marshall thesis.pdf - OpenAIR @ RGU - Robert Gordon ...


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15. In your opinion, what was the weakest work in the exhibition and<br />

why?<br />

There were some pieces that were disappointing because technically they didn’t<br />

deliver what we expected. The ‘Ibuki’ object was a beautiful object but it didn’t<br />

work the way that we thought it was going to work. I was disappointed about<br />

that - we worked very much with what we had it did get the most gorgeous<br />

plinth imaginable it was lit with a beautiful dappled light and the sounds it<br />

emitted were gorgeous. It just wasn’t working the way that we thought it was<br />

going to work, you could always hear what it was doing, and you expect a silent<br />

object that resonated with your bone structure. You could hear it all the time<br />

and so I was a bit disappointed in that but still enjoyed resting my ear on it. It<br />

still had a nice feeling to it. We know its nothing compared to the giant ‘Ibuki’<br />

object that we saw originally. Which we could have made quite easily for them<br />

here and I think that we should have pushed for that - to have made a large<br />

‘Ibuki’ object because it would have held its own more. I’m not quite sure where<br />

we would have put it in the scheme of things. I do regret the fact that we should<br />

have pushed to reconstruct a UK ‘Ibuki’ object at its original scale and rope<br />

material and not the pebble that we got which was lovely and I’m pleased that<br />

we worked with those two artists but the original object would have been much<br />

more powerful. I still think that technically it still would not have worked right.<br />

16. Were you surprised by any work in the show? Why?<br />

I think possibly the ‘Wi-Fi Camera Obscura’ was the most surprising thing from<br />

an industrial design perspective I loved its eccentricity and wasn’t really<br />

expecting that to be the case. I was pleased that we were able to make a second<br />

one and develop the relationship with the partners in the building, we actually<br />

had this split view. I don’t know whether or not if the piece of work is actually<br />

doing anything really or how it really works. I know that one of our volunteers<br />

did come into us and say he’d found somewhere on-line with instructions of<br />

how to make a ‘Wi-Fi Camera Obscura’. Those two things didn’t really go<br />

together. That one did surprise me the most and when it arrived the industrial<br />

design element of it I found very satisfying. It had such a gorgeous sense of<br />

design as well so there use of a pink foam card, etc and the way that they were<br />

clustering things together. It had a home made quality to it they weren’t trying<br />

to be the perfect of physical devices but everything was evident. Then our<br />

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