Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police

Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police

Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police


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104 <strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Rules</strong>, 1934 <strong>Volume</strong> 1, CHAPTER 6<br />

and the register shall be divided so that a record of each item may be kept separately, - vide<br />

instructions in the form. Columns 3 and 4 of the form shall be balanced daily, the balance<br />

being shown in red ink, provided that no balance need be struck on any day when no transaction<br />

has taken place. The normal transaction is an issue from one sub-column of<br />

column 3 balances by a receipt in another, the district total being unaffected; where an entry<br />

affecting the latter is made, e.g., the return of a musket to the arsenal or the transfer of<br />

a bayonet scabbard to condemned stock - an explanatory entry shall be made in column<br />

5. Care must be taken that when a weapon is moved, the necessary entries are made respecting<br />

any accessory moved with it. The Lines Officer shall check this register at<br />

frequent intervals.<br />

(2) In Part II of the register shall be maintained a nominal roll of the distribution of revolvers<br />

on charge in the district.<br />

(3) A separate register in Form 6.8(3) shall be maintained by the kot head constable under<br />

the supervision of the Lines Officer in which a history sheet of each weapon on charge<br />

in the district be entered.<br />

Rule 6.9<br />

6.9. Special orders regarding rifles M.L.E. .303. (1) All rifles M.L.E. shall be kept<br />

in the armoury in a separate rack. A register (Form 6.9(1)) shall be maintained by the kot<br />

head constable under the supervision of the Lines Officer showing the names of the men<br />

permanently mobilized at headquarters to whom M.L.E. rifles are issued, and the arsenal<br />

number of the rifles and rifle-bolt issued to each man. When rifles are issued from the armoury<br />

each man take the particular rifle registered against his name and will be held<br />

responsible for it.<br />

(2) If the kot head constable finds, when a rifle is being returned to store, that it is damaged<br />

or that any part of it is lost or damaged, he shall produce the man surrendering the<br />

rifle before the Lines Officer, and cause an entry to be made in the lines diary detailing<br />

the loss or damage that has occurred.<br />

(3) Every <strong>Police</strong> Officer, who loses or damages his rifle bayonet, or any part thereof,<br />

shall report such loss or damage without delay to the officer commanding his party. A report<br />

shall be submitted immediately in writing to the Lines Officer, who will inform the<br />

Superintendent of <strong>Police</strong> without delay. An enquiry shall be made immediately in accordance<br />

with instructions laid down in rule 6.22. In the event of the loss of a rifle,<br />

rifle-bolt or musket-bolt the police officer directly responsible shall be suspended until<br />

the orders of the Deputy Inspector-General of <strong>Police</strong> are received on the report of the<br />

Committee of Enquiry. Any police officer, who fails to report forthwith the loss of a rifle<br />

or rifle-bolt by a man under his command, shall be suspended and charged with neglect<br />

of duty. An officer, to whom the report of such loss is made, shall immediately take all<br />

possible steps for the recovery of the rifle or bolt.<br />

Rule 6.10<br />

6.10. Custody and care of arms. (1) All arms, when not in use, shall be kept in racks<br />

in the armoury or other place appointed for the purpose. In the lines the kot head constable,<br />

under the direct and personal supervision of Lines Officer; at police stations, the<br />

station clerk, under the supervision of the officer in charge of the police station; and at all<br />

other places the officer in command of the detachment shall be directly responsible for the<br />

custody and care of all arms borne on charge and for the correctness of all issues and receipts.<br />

(2) Detailed instructions for the cleaning of rifles, muskets and bayonets are contained<br />

in Appendix 6.10(2). The individual police officer to whom a weapon is issued shall be<br />

responsible for cleaning it according to these instructions before and after use. The periodical<br />

cleaning and oiling of arms not in use shall be done by fatigues told off for the<br />

purpose. The "pull off" of all rifles and muskets shall be tested annually.

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