Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police

Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police

Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police


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Uniform for Officers of The Indian <strong>Police</strong> 83<br />

13. And the said A.B. hereby agrees that he will give such security as aforesaid and that<br />

he will apply every such advance to the purposes of this contract, and not otherwise.<br />

Note 1 :- Forms may be obtained from the Superintendent, Government Printing, <strong>Punjab</strong>.<br />

Note 2 :- Contracts in this form can only be entered into by the Inspector-General of <strong>Police</strong>, <strong>Punjab</strong>.<br />

FORM NO. 4.29(2)-A<br />


Tender for services to be rendered by the tailor of the <strong>Police</strong> Lines at __________<br />

To<br />

The Inspector-General of <strong>Police</strong>, <strong>Punjab</strong><br />

Sir,<br />

I/We __________ tailor contractor of ______________________ hereby agree that on<br />

the acceptance of this tender, I/we _______________ ________________________<br />

________ shall, in accordance with such acceptance, perform at all times during the period<br />

of may/our ___________________ employment as Lines Tailor such work in<br />

connection with the making up, or fitting, altering or repairing of articles of uniform, and<br />

generally such other work as pertains to a tailor’s trade, as the Superintendent of <strong>Police</strong><br />

__________ may order in writing subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this tender<br />

and in the schedule hereto annexed.<br />

2. Within __________ days after the acceptance of this tender I/we undertake to execute<br />

an indemnity bond in form No. 4.29(2)(B) or in such other form or manner as may<br />

be prescribed, or to give such security in cash or otherwise as may be required, by the Superintendent<br />

of <strong>Police</strong>, to the extent of Rs. __________ , the said bond to be liable to be<br />

enforced by the said Superintendent against ourselves and sureties jointly and severally,<br />

or the said security in cash or otherwise, as the case may be, to be liable to be forfeited by<br />

him, in the event of my/our not complying with any of the terms or conditions of this tender,<br />

and I/we agree that the decision of the said Superintendent and his successors in office<br />

from time to time, as regards whether just cause has arisen for the enforcement of the bond<br />

or the forfeiture of the security aforesaid, and as to the extent of such enforcement or forfeiture,<br />

shall be final and binding upon me/us.<br />

As witnesses set me/our hands this __________ day of __________ 19 .<br />

Signature<br />

in the presence of :<br />

Witness to the above signature :<br />

(1) Description :-<br />

Address :-<br />

(2) Description :-<br />

Address :-<br />


The terms and conditions of this tender are as follows :-<br />

(1) The Lines tailor shall be required to make up all articles of uniform and to execute<br />

all repairs to clothing from material measured and supplied to him from the<br />

Government Clothing Store, and shall give a receipt for the material so supplied.<br />

(2) He shall be held responsible for the value of the material or other Government<br />

property issued to him and shall be accountable for the value of all material and<br />

Government property which is not returned to the Superintendent of <strong>Police</strong> in<br />

the shape of completed and accepted articles.

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