Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police

Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police

Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police


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344 <strong>Punjab</strong> <strong>Police</strong> <strong>Rules</strong>, 1934 <strong>Volume</strong> 1, CHAPTER 11<br />

(b) a comment on the paper under consideration, or on the previous papers in the file<br />

without any summary; or<br />

(c) a brief summary of the facts leading up to the points for order.<br />

A precis is a full abstract of the papers in the case.<br />

(2) The following definite rules shall be observed, in the matter of notes and precis :-<br />

(a) The object of an office note is to assist the officer, who is required to pass orders,<br />

by referring him to rules, precedents, and previous correspondence bearing on<br />

the question for decision; by pointing out mistakes, mis-apprehensions and miscalculations<br />

in the papers under consideration and by supplying information or<br />

calculations which will facilitate disposal. A recapitulation of the case as stated<br />

in the correspondence itself is not required. Criticism and suggestions arising<br />

merely from the personal opinion of the noting clerk himself are prohibited, but<br />

an opinion based on precedents and other formal authorities may and should be<br />

expressed.<br />

(b) A full note is only required when the case cannot be decided without consideration<br />

of considerable correspondence and references. Such a note should summarize<br />

only such portions of the previous correspondence as may be necessary<br />

to elucidate clearly the point or points for orders.<br />

(c) A precis or full abstract of a case should not ordinarily be put up by the office<br />

unless called for by the gazetted officer-in-charge.<br />

(d) All orders, that are to be communicated to other offices, should be couched in<br />

language that can be easily converted into a draft.<br />

(e) In long notes, each paragraph should be given a serial number.<br />

When a reference is made to previous notes or papers the page of the file where they<br />

are to be found should be quoted, and when necessary indicating slips should be<br />

added.<br />

(3) In cases where the reverse side of the receipt letter is blank and the paper is stout,<br />

the note may be written thereon and continued (if necessary) on a note form. When noting<br />

is unnecessary, brief suggestions may be written on the face of a letter.<br />

14. The head clerk is responsible to the head of the office for the efficient working of<br />

the whole office. His duties are :-<br />

(a) to exercise disciplinary control and general supervisory.<br />

(b) to see to the regular attendance of the clerks. Personal matters relating to the<br />

clerks such as promotions, leave etc., are submitted through the head clerk;<br />

(c) to arrange for the work of absentees and for the proper training of junior clerks;<br />

(d) to go round the office at least once a day to see that no arrear cases are being neglected,<br />

that the tables are tidy, that the clerks are applying themselves to their<br />

duties, and that no files lying about uncared for;<br />

(e) frequently to inspect the record room and see that the files are being properly<br />

kept up and that work is being promptly disposed of;<br />

(f) to receive or open the mail, stamp the letters with the date of receipt and send<br />

them to the record-keeper, urgent letters being first marked with a blue or red<br />

slip, according to their urgency.<br />

15. (1) The copyist shall initial and date every draft he copies. He is responsible that<br />

all enclosures are fully copied and that they are attached to the covering letter or if numerous<br />

and bulky, that they are separately labelled and marked with the number and date of<br />

the letter to which they belong and the designation of the officer to whom the letter is addressed.

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