Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police

Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police

Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police


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Pensions 153<br />

(f) In case of leave preparatory to retirement, whether the officer desires to withdraw<br />

the deposit before the actual date of his retirement in terms of rule 11 of<br />

the General Provident Fund <strong>Rules</strong>; if so (1) the date of commencement of leave,<br />

(2) the date on which he will actually retire, (3) whether he retires under a superannuation<br />

rule, a retiring rule or on a medical certificate of incapacity for further<br />

service. In the last case the date of the medical certificate should also be<br />

stated, (4) in case of officers proceeding to England on leave preparatory to retirement,<br />

whether they desire to receive payment through their agents in India<br />

or by means of sterling bills in England.<br />

Rule 9.31<br />

9.31. Withholding Pensions. - It is within the competence of the Provincial Government<br />

to withhold or withdraw the pension of any retired police officer, who participates<br />

in any seditious or violent agitation, or is convicted of a serious crime, or is guilty of misconduct<br />

within the meaning of Article 351 of the Civil Service Regulations.<br />

Rule 9.32<br />

9.32. Commutation of pensions. - (1) The regulations governing the procedure for the<br />

commutation of pensions circulated with the endorsements of the Inspector- General,<br />

Nos. 900-S./18-9-31-A and 5963-B/18-9-31-A, dated respectively, the 12th August, and<br />

30th November, 1931, which must be followed closely, supersede all previous rules and<br />

departmental orders on the same subject. Printed copies of the application form, appended<br />

to the regulations may be obtained, as required, by indent on the Superintendent,<br />

Government Printing, <strong>Punjab</strong>.<br />

(2) The lump sum payable on commutation shall be calculated in accordance with the<br />

tables of present values, circulated, with the correspondence ending with the Inspector-<br />

General’s endorsement No. 3362-B/18-9-31-A, dated 11th June, 1931, or such revised<br />

tables as may from time to time be issued.<br />

Rule 9.33<br />

9.33. Miscellaneous matters. - When police officers have been superannuated, retired<br />

or invalided and their cases have been settled by proper authority, such decision is final.<br />

Explanation - Nothing in this rule shall be held to bar the re- enrolment of a police<br />

officer who has been invalided, but who has subsequently recovered his health<br />

and is certified by proper medical authority as fit to serve - (Article 519, Civil<br />

Service Regulations).<br />

Rule 9.34<br />

9.34. Procedure when a police officer becomes a lunatic. - If it appears to the Superintendent<br />

that a police officer serving under his orders has become a lunatic, he shall<br />

take measures to have him invalided in the manner provided by this chapter.<br />

Rule 9.35<br />

9.35. List of pensioners. - (1) Superintendents will, from time to time, receive from<br />

Deputy Commissioners the necessary particulars of new pensioners of their districts, and<br />

shall forward extracts therefrom to officers incharge of police stations, giving them the<br />

names and particulars of all such pensioners residing within their station jurisdiction.<br />

Supplementary extracts shall be forwarded on receipt of intimation from Deputy Commissioner.<br />

(2) Officers in charge of police stations shall keep a list of civil and police pensioners<br />

residing in their jurisdiction. Such lists shall be pasted on boards and hung up in the offices<br />

rooms of the police stations.<br />

(3) Headmen of villages and village watchmen shall be informed of the names of civil<br />

and police pensioners residing in their villages, and shall be instructed, when making reports<br />

of death, to distinguish the death of all such pensioners. On receipt of a report of the<br />

death of a civil or police pensioner the officer in charge of the police station shall, in ad-

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