Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police

Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police

Punjab Police Rules Volume 1 - Sangrur Police


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Accounts 217<br />

back on .......(date) and forwarded to accountant" shall forward the foil in question to the<br />

accountant for record. This will ensure copies being available both in lines and the office<br />

for checking travelling allowance bills. The gazetted officer in charge of lines shall<br />

check the railway warrant book once a month and sign each counterfoil in token of having<br />

satisfied himself that its use was really necessary. All the foils received by the accountant<br />

during a month shall then be entered in a statement showing the number, date and amount<br />

of each warrant, and this statement, after being countersigned by the Superintendent, shall<br />

be forwarded to the Accountant-General not later than the 10th of the month following<br />

that to which the warrants relate. These statements will be compared in the Audit Office<br />

with the third foils and bills received from the Railway Department. It is the duty of the<br />

Superintendent when checking foils of Warrants, to satisfy himself that they have all been<br />

properly issued and properly used, and to inflict and recover penalties for improper use.<br />

Any police officer using a railway warrant contrary to these rules shall, in addition to undergoing<br />

such other penalty as a competent authority may award, be required to refund<br />

the amount of the fares entered in the warrant. Such deductions shall be credited in the<br />

treasury, either in cash or by short- drawal.<br />

(b) If the travelling party is required to return to the place of departure, the officer issuing<br />

the warrant for the outward journey shall issue also a second warrant for the return<br />

journey; but if the return journey will start from a station in another province, money for<br />

the purchase of railway fares for such return journey shall be advanced to the ways fares<br />

for such return journey shall be advanced to the officer in charge of the party before it departs<br />

on its outward journey. If a warrant for a return journey is lost or mislaid, the officer<br />

in charge of the party shall obtain an advance for the purchase of necessary fares from the<br />

permanent advance of the nearest police officer, whether in the same or another district.<br />

(3) Members of the <strong>Punjab</strong> Railway <strong>Police</strong> whose homes lie in areas not served by the<br />

North-Western Railway may, when proceeding on leave to their homes and returning<br />

from such leave, be granted warrants for the fare by rail to which they are entitled under<br />

Travelling Allowance Rule 2.15, provided that -<br />

(i) they would be eligible for free passes if they were living within an area served<br />

by the North-Western Railway, and<br />

(ii) the number of warrants shall not exceed three return warrants per man in one<br />

year. (Rule 2.120, T.A. <strong>Rules</strong>).<br />

Note :- The North-Western Railway Administration have agreed to the issue of return tickets (ordinary<br />

or week-end) on presentation of a warrant and use should be made of this concession<br />

whenever the nature of the duty for which the journey is undertaken permits of its utilisation.<br />

The fact that return tickets are required should be indicated by the word "Return" written in<br />

bold letters in red ink across the top of the form.<br />

Rule 10.118<br />

10.118. Tour charges. - (1) arching establishments may be entertained by the following<br />

officers whilst they are in camp and when their camps are necessarily kept up, subject<br />

to the maximum number of the servants shown against them.<br />

Superintendents, Assistant and Deputy Super- One Khalasi at Rs. 13 per mensem.<br />

intendents<br />

Inspector-General and Deputy Inspector-Gen- Two Khalasis at Rs. 13 per mensem each.<br />

eral<br />

(2) In every case where Government tents are taken by gazetted officers on tour,<br />

whether for their own or their office use or for that of their private servants, half the carriage<br />

will be borne by Government and the other half shall be paid by the officer or<br />

officers using the tents.<br />

(3) Tents occupied by inspectors and sub-inspectors of police (including European sergeants)<br />

on tour, and tents occupied by police guard or chaprasis will be carried wholly at<br />

Government expense. All such charges as well as those incurred in connection with the

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