2010-2011 Makivik Annual Report

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Unaaq Fisheries<br />

Les Pêcheries Unaaq<br />

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ra3MÌE§K5 bs3tDt5yxac5bMs3d5.<br />

shrimp harvested and processed are sold either in the<br />

Chinese or Russian markets with smaller markets existing<br />

in Europe and the Ukraine.<br />

Over the years this resource has lost considerable value<br />

because there were a lot of shrimp, so the price dropped.<br />

Most recently however there has been a surge in prices<br />

and shrimp are less plentiful. There was a small increase<br />

in price as expected when importers stocked up for the<br />

Christmas/New Year season, but this time the increase<br />

is lasting longer than usual and there is no sign in the<br />

market to indicate a drop in price because the demand<br />

remains high.<br />

The Canadian fishery is experiencing changes. Quotas<br />

in certain areas have been reduced because of a shift or<br />

decrease in local biomass while catches in other areas have been<br />

seasonal, sporadic or patchy.<br />

As in past years several Inuit fishermen are employed aboard<br />

these vessels. Although many left the fishery in the past years<br />

due to lower crew shares, some are drawn back because the<br />

value of the crew shares increases with price.<br />

The world shrimp market is a mix of warm water shrimp that<br />

are usually cultivated, and coldwater shrimp that are usually<br />

wild. This year aquaculture operations have been hit by several<br />

problems. Production is much lower due to adverse weather,<br />

disease and high costs of feed. Many producers have switched<br />

to other species, which will give better results. In the absence of<br />

warm water shrimp in the market, our higher valued coldwater<br />

product becomes an alternative.<br />

versées aux membres d’équipage, certains sont revenus attirés<br />

par l’augmentation récente des prix.<br />

Le marché mondial de la crevette est composé de crevettes<br />

d’eau chaude qui sont habituellement cultivées, et de crevettes<br />

d’eau froide sauvages. Cette année, les activités aquacoles ont<br />

connu de nombreux problèmes. La production est beaucoup plus<br />

faible en raison de conditions météorologiques défavorables, de<br />

maladie et du coût élevé des aliments. Plusieurs producteurs se<br />

sont tournés vers d’autres espèces, ce qui permettra d’obtenir<br />

de meilleurs résultats. En l’absence de crevettes d’eau chaude<br />

sur le marché, nos produits à forte valeur ajoutée deviennent<br />

plus attrayants.<br />

mr{[4• <strong>Makivik</strong> Corporation • Société <strong>Makivik</strong><br />


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