18.02.2014 Aufrufe

ZAK WS 13 14.pdf - KIT

ZAK WS 13 14.pdf - KIT

ZAK WS 13 14.pdf - KIT


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Seminar<br />

Krankenhausmanagement<br />

Vorlesung<br />

Theory of Business Cycles / Konjunkturtheorie<br />

Prof. Dr. Martin Hansis<br />

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marten Hillebrand<br />

Wirtschaft & Recht<br />

Ort<br />

Städt. Klinikum Karlsruhe,<br />

Moltkestr. 90, Haus A,<br />

1. OG<br />

Termin<br />

Fr 15.11.<strong>13</strong>, 09:00 - 15:00<br />

Fr 22.11.<strong>13</strong>, 09:00 - 15:00<br />

keine<br />

Anmeldung<br />

Institution<br />

Städt. Klinikum Karlsruhe<br />

Das Seminar „Krankenhausmanagement“<br />

stellt am Beispiel von Krankenhäusern interne<br />

Organisationsstrukturen, Arbeitsbedingungen<br />

und Arbeitsumfeld dar und spiegelt dies an<br />

sonst üblichen und erwarteten Bedingungen<br />

anderer Dienstleistungsbranchen.<br />

Wesentliche Unternehmen sind: Rechtlicher<br />

Rahmen, Binnenorganisation, Personalmanagement,<br />

Qualität, Kostenrechnung, Controlling,<br />

externe Vernetzung und Marktauftritt.<br />

Geb. 20.12<br />

R 002<br />

Beginn: 22.10.<strong>13</strong><br />

Di 11:30 - <strong>13</strong>:00<br />

wöchentlich<br />

keine<br />

Ort<br />

Termin<br />

Anmeldung<br />

Institution<br />

Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftstheorie<br />

(VWL I)<br />

Business Cycle research strives to analyze and<br />

explain short-run fluctuations in key macroeconomic<br />

variables such as production<br />

output, income, employment, and prices. The<br />

course develops mathematical models which<br />

unveil the structural reasons for these fluctuations<br />

and the underlying economic mechanisms.<br />

Starting with the class of so-called Real<br />

Business Cycle (RBC) models, particular<br />

emphasis is placed on models of the labor<br />

market including models with labor indivisibilities,<br />

search-and matching, and home production.<br />

Based on the findings obtained,<br />

policy implications and the general scope for<br />

fiscal and monetary policy to stabilize the economy<br />

and foster production output, employment,<br />

and price stability are investigated.<br />

Numerical simulations based on realistic (calibrated)<br />

parameter choices are employed to<br />

replicate the empirically observed patterns<br />

and to quantify the effects of different policies.<br />

Participants of the course are provided<br />

with MATLAB scripts allowing them to replicate<br />

the simulation results presented in class.<br />

Kontakt<br />

Kontakt<br />

martin.hansis@<br />

klinikum-karlsruhe.de<br />

0721.974.1000<br />

marten.hillebrand@kit.edu<br />

0721.608.45667<br />


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