Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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48 • ARMED REVOLUTIONARY NUCLEIARMED REVOLUTIONARY NUCLEI (NAR). The Nuclei ArmatiRivoluzionari was an Italian right-wing revolutionary terrorist groupseeking to overthrow the current constitutional democracy in Italy toreplace it with a Fascist-style authoritarian regime. This group appearedin December 1977 when it bombed the Rome <strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> theChristian Democratic and Communist parties. In June 1980 the NARassassinated Roman judge Mario Amato, who had been instrumentalin uncovering and convicting rightist groups violating Italy’s ban onneo-Fascist groups, in particular the NAR. In the period from 1977 to1981, the group perpetrated at least 25 terrorist acts, and Italian policeimplicated it in the 2 August 1980 bombing <strong>of</strong> the Bologna train station.On 2 May 1985 some 53 members <strong>of</strong> the NAR were sentenced toprison for their role in the terror campaign <strong>of</strong> 1977–1981.In 1993 the NAR and other similar subversive right-wing groupswere <strong>of</strong>ficially banned under the Mancino Law. In 1997 MassimoMorsello, the former NAR leader, joined together with RobertoFiore, the former leader <strong>of</strong> the radical nationalist Terza Posizione(<strong>Third</strong> Position) group to create a new neo-Nazi organization, ForzaNuova (New Force), to embrace all the radical right to the right <strong>of</strong>the National Alliance, the extreme right-wing party that escaped theMancino ban.ARMENIAN LIBERATION ARMY (ALA). The ALA was a nonstateArmenian guerrilla group with the revolutionary goal <strong>of</strong> restoringformerly Armenian portions <strong>of</strong> eastern Turkey to Armeniansovereignty. While this group bombed Turkish targets in WesternEurope in the 1970s, it has since sunk into obscurity.ARMENIAN SECRET ARMY FOR THE LIBERATION OFARMENIA (ASALA). ASALA was a formerly Soviet-sponsored,revolutionary organization with the triple aims <strong>of</strong> regaining portions<strong>of</strong> eastern Turkey claimed as parts <strong>of</strong> historic Armenia, avenging theArmenians killed by the Ottoman forces during World War I, andforcing the Turkish government to acknowledge responsibility forthe events <strong>of</strong> 1915. ASALA was a Marxist-Leninist organization thatalso declared its opposition to imperialism. It is suspected that theSoviet Union sponsored ASALA as a means <strong>of</strong> pressuring Turkey toplay a less accommodating role within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.ASALA also received aid from radical Palestinian groupswith which it collaborated in Lebanon. Interestingly ASALA, an

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