Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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IDENTITY CHRISTIANITY • 265and allowed the U.S. government to prosecute an alleged hostage takerwhenever handed over to U.S. authorities. The act also makes the aidingand abetting <strong>of</strong> the crime, or concealing knowledge <strong>of</strong> it, or otherwiseobstructing investigation <strong>of</strong> such crimes, punishable when doneby private people. This statute, and the Airplane Sabotage Act <strong>of</strong> 1984,allowed the United States to capture Fawaz Younis, who participatedin the 11 June 1985 hijacking <strong>of</strong> a Jordanian airliner carrying someU.S. citizens, as well as arrest and extradite Mohammed Hammadei,who participated in the 14 June 1985 hijacking <strong>of</strong> Trans World Airlines(TWA) Flight 847, which led to the murder <strong>of</strong> one U.S. servicemanaboard and the holding hostage <strong>of</strong> 39 U.S. civilians.HUKS. The Hukbalahap (an acronym for Hukbong Bayan Laban SaMga Hapon, People’s Anti-Japanese Resistance Army) was a resistancearmy founded by the Communist Party <strong>of</strong> the Philippines inMarch 1942. Trained by Chinese Communist instructors sent by MaoZedong and led by Luis Taroc, the Huks recruited extensively amongthe peasants and harassed the Japanese in guerrilla raids.Following World War II, the Huks, who renamed their organizationHukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan (People’s Liberation Army),attempted to set up a Communist regime but were countered by U.S.forces. The Huks numbered around 10,000 active fighters at theirheight but lacked good weaponry. Consequently they relied moreon terrorism than on conventional tactics, their most stunning attackbeing the ambush and murder <strong>of</strong> Aurora Quezon, the widow <strong>of</strong> PresidentManuel L. Quezon, in April 1949. This attack brought discrediton the organization and it renamed itself as the People’s LiberationArmy in 1950. In addition to undertaking a more thorough counterinsurgencyeffort, the administration <strong>of</strong> Ramon Magsaysay addressedmany <strong>of</strong> the social and economic grievances <strong>of</strong> the peasant following<strong>of</strong> the Huks, who eventually disbanded in 1954.HUSSEIN SUICIDE SQUAD. One <strong>of</strong> the pro-Iranian Shi’ite Islamicfundamentalist terrorist groups in Lebanon that became part <strong>of</strong> Hezbollah.– I –IDENTITY CHRISTIANITY. The Identity Christianity doctrine isa synthesis <strong>of</strong> white supremacist doctrine, xenophobic American

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