Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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DIPLOMATIC INVIOLABILITY • 147ish attorney general to “certify out” cases that were claimed not toinvolve terrorist <strong>of</strong>fenses; these cases would then require jury trials.In 1995 alone, 932 <strong>of</strong> 1,234 such applications were granted. Of the418 cases not removed from Diplock courts, the rate <strong>of</strong> conviction forthose who pleaded not guilty was only 40 percent. Whenever judgesfound a defendant guilty in the Diplock courts, they were required toprovide a written opinion to explain their reasoning, and the verdictcould then be appealed. In this way those charged with terrorist <strong>of</strong>fenseswould continue to enjoy rights <strong>of</strong> due process despite the lack<strong>of</strong> a jury.Following the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, prosecutions in theDiplock courts fell to about 60 each year. The Northern Ireland Officeannounced on 1 August 2005 that these courts would be phasedout and in August 2006 announced that the courts would be abolishedby July 2007.DIPLOMATIC INVIOLABILITY. According to statistics <strong>of</strong> the Officefor Combating <strong>Terrorism</strong> <strong>of</strong> the U.S. Department <strong>of</strong> State, diplomats,their families, and others attached to them have increasinglybecome favored targets <strong>of</strong> terrorist attacks. In 1975 over 30 percent <strong>of</strong>terrorist attacks were directed at diplomats; in 1980 this figure rose to54 percent. Several <strong>of</strong> these attacks have involved hostage-barricadesituations, such as the seizure <strong>of</strong> the U.S. embassy in Tehran on 4November 1979 or the Peruvian Japanese embassy hostage crisisin Lima, Peru, on 17 December 1996, while others have involvedbombings with great loss <strong>of</strong> life, such as the 18 April 1983 bombing<strong>of</strong> the U.S. embassy in West Beirut and the 7 August 1999 East AfricanU.S. embassy attacks that took place simultaneously in Nairobi,Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.To implement the New York Convention (the UN Conventionon the Prevention and Punishment <strong>of</strong> Crimes Against InternationallyProtected Persons, Including Diplomatic Agents, adopted on14 December 1973), Title 18 <strong>of</strong> the U.S. Code was amended on 8October 1976 to make attacks upon, or threats against, diplomatswithin the United States a federal felony and to allow its enforcementby whatever federal, state, or local agency is needed, whethercivilian or military. Following the U.S. embassy seizure in Tehran,the UN Convention Against the Taking <strong>of</strong> Hostages was adopted on17 December 1979 and ratified by the United States on 4 September

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