Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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BANDERA ROJA • 63the United States, and various European nations. The bombs hadbeen made with ammonium nitrate, a common fertilizer.About 32 Jemaah Islamiyah members were charged with complicityin carrying out the bombings. The leader <strong>of</strong> the JI, Abu BakarBashiri, was arrested on 15 October 2004 for conspiracy in connectionwith the bombings; he was convicted on 3 March 2005 andsentenced to 20 months’ imprisonment but was released on 14 June2006. Three others, Amroz Haji Nurhasynim, Imam Samudra, andMukhlas, were sentenced to death for their roles in procuring andassembling the explosives while a fourth, Ali Imron, was sentencedto life imprisonment since he had shown remorse during his trial.Twenty-seven others were also tried on lesser charges for their rolesin the bombing. One suspect, Abu Dajana, was captured on 13 June2007, and another, Aris Munandar, remains at large.The second Bali bombing occurred on 1 October 2005 and involvedthree suicide bombers. The first two bombs exploded around 6:50 p.m.local time along the Jimbaran beach and the third exploded at 7:00 p.m.in Kuta’s town square. Twenty people were killed, including 15 Indonesians(including the three suicide bombers), four Americans, and oneJapanese tourist, and 129 people were injured. These bombings weretimed to coincide with holidays in the Australian school year, duringwhich thousands <strong>of</strong> Australian tourists visit Bali. The locations chosenwere areas favored by foreign tourists. Indonesian investigators claimedto have found three other unexploded bombs, which differed from the2002 bombs in that they contained large amounts <strong>of</strong> shrapnel.Two suspects included Noordin Muhammad, who eluded capture,and Azahari Husin, who was killed in a shoot-out with police inNovember 2005.BANDERA ROJA. The Bandera Roja (Red Flag) group (GBR), was aVenezuelan revolutionary group, operating independently <strong>of</strong> any statesponsor, dedicated to achieving a Marxist-Leninist state in Venezuelathrough armed struggle. The GBR rejected assimilation into peacefulpolitics and broke with the Venezuelan Revolutionary Movement <strong>of</strong>the Left (Movimiento de la Izquiereda Revolucionaria, MIR) in 1969after Cuba abandoned support for leftist guerrillas in Venezuela. Thearmed wing <strong>of</strong> GBR was called the Americo Silva Front.Like many other guerrilla groups in South America formerlysponsored by Cuba and the Soviet Union, the GBR took to financing

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