Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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PEOPLE’S REVOLUTIONARY ARMY • 529A brief history <strong>of</strong> ERP operations follows: The ERP initiated itscareer in 1969 and carried out a series <strong>of</strong> bank robberies in Rosarioduring 1970. During 1972 the ERP discovered the more lucrativeexpedient <strong>of</strong> kidnapping foreign businessmen for ransom whiletargeting members <strong>of</strong> the military government for assassination.On 10 April 1972 the ERP killed both General Juan Carlos Sánchezin Rosario and Dr. Oberdan Sallustro, president <strong>of</strong> the Argentineanbranch <strong>of</strong> Fiat, whom they had kidnapped two weeks before. On 30April 1972 the ERP assassinated Rear Admiral Hermes Quijada.In the next two years, the ERP changed its tactics from urban terrorismto carrying out open military assaults upon various garrisonsand small towns to build up its material strength and to begin creatingan ERP-controlled zone in the mountainous areas. These attacks culminatedin the 23 December 1975 attack on the barracks and armory<strong>of</strong> Monte Chingolo, which was defeated by Argentinean military andsecurity forces. On 19 July 1976 the leader <strong>of</strong> the ERP, Roberto Santucho,was killed in Buenos Aires along with his deputy commander,after which the fortunes <strong>of</strong> the group declined. Within a year the insurgencyhad been smashed. Leadership <strong>of</strong> the ERP passed to EnriqueGorriarán Merlo, who fled the country in 1977, apparently to Nicaraguawhere he worked with the Sandinista regime’s security forces.Remnants <strong>of</strong> the ERP went into exile and formed a leftist hit teamfor hire, calling themselves Red Action. On 17 September 1980, sevenmembers <strong>of</strong> Red Action led by Gorriarán assassinated the exiled Nicaraguandictator Anastasio Somoza Debayle along with members <strong>of</strong>his entourage as they drove through Asunción, Paraguay. Red Actionwas foiled in a kidnapping attempt in Mexico in 1981 and several <strong>of</strong>its members were captured. In 1987 Gorriarán took advantage <strong>of</strong> anamnesty to return to Argentina, where he became a leader <strong>of</strong> the MovimientoTodos por la Patria (MTP), or All for the Fatherland Movement.On 23 January 1989 Gorriarán led 40 MTP members, mainlyformer ERP members, in an armed attack on the La Tablada militarybarracks, supposedly to prevent a right-wing military coup. By thetime the Argentinean army retook the barracks, 39 people had beenkilled and about 60 injured. Gorriarán escaped and later was arrested inMexico in October 1995 and then was tried and convicted for chargesarising from the attack. His sentence was eventually commuted, and hewas released on 23 May 2003. See also DIRTY WAR; MONTONE-ROS; POPULAR RESISTANCE FRONT.

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