Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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648 • SUICIDE TERRORISMwent awry when the bomb prematurely detonated, leaving the wouldbebomber alive, so clearly Hezbollah has not completely renouncedthe use <strong>of</strong> this tactic.Intihari attacks are not a monopoly <strong>of</strong> Shi’ite militias. The SyrianSocial Nationalist Party has developed and deployed its own corps<strong>of</strong> intiharioun, while in 1987 the Popular Front for the Liberation<strong>of</strong> Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) deployed intiharihang-glider attacks against Israeli forces in Lebanon and settlementsin Galilee. The Mujahideen-i Khalq have also used intiharioun tokill government <strong>of</strong>ficials and proregime clergymen in Iran. The LiberationTigers <strong>of</strong> Tamil Eelam have made extensive use <strong>of</strong> suicidebombers, one <strong>of</strong> whom succeeded in assassinating former Indianprime minister Rajiv Gandhi in Tamil Nadu State on 21 May 1991.On 4 October 1994 Hamas made its first use <strong>of</strong> suicide terrorismwith a car-bomb attack on a group <strong>of</strong> Israeli soldiers and in April 1994began to use this tactic against civilian targets as well. According tointerviews <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Joseph Ginat with would-be Hamas suicidebombers who failed to accomplish their missions, the suicide bomberis usually an ill-educated but pious Muslim male burdened with asense <strong>of</strong> personal sin due to use <strong>of</strong> alcohol or illicit sexual conductwho believes he cannot atone for his failings through the usual prescribedprayers, fasting, or pilgrimage. The Hamas sheikh, or Muslimspiritual leader, <strong>of</strong>fers him the suicide mission as an opportunity forplenary absolution <strong>of</strong> his personal sins through his self-sacrifice. Inaddition, the intending intihari is told that the personal sins <strong>of</strong> allmembers <strong>of</strong> his extended family will also be atoned for through hisact <strong>of</strong> self-sacrifice. Part <strong>of</strong> this preparation would involve his beingled through a Muslim cemetery by his spiritual guide, who wouldtell him that he, the bomber, no longer faced the uncertainties associatedwith death and dying since he would be instantly transported toparadise at the moment <strong>of</strong> his martyrdom and would bear neither theordinary pains and fear <strong>of</strong> dying nor be subject to the torments <strong>of</strong> thebarzakh, the transitional purgatory whose pains even pious Muslimsmust endure but that is waived in the case <strong>of</strong> martyrs. Pr<strong>of</strong>essorGinat’s interviews with surviving suicide bombers are shown in thedocumentary films Shaheed and Diary <strong>of</strong> a Terrorist.The most serious suicide attacks to date have been the WorldTrade Center and Pentagon Attacks <strong>of</strong> September 11, 2001, inwhich hijackers affiliated with the al Qa’eda terrorist network <strong>of</strong>

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