Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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342 • JUNE 2 MOVEMENTJUNE 2 MOVEMENT. This group was an anarchistic leftist groupformed in West Berlin in 1971 that sought to resist the liberal democraticestablishment in West Berlin through bombings, bank robberies,kidnappings, and assassination. The group is named after theanniversary <strong>of</strong> the death <strong>of</strong> Benno Ohnejorg, who was killed in a demonstrationagainst the visiting Shah <strong>of</strong> Iran in Berlin on 2 June 1967.Four <strong>of</strong> the group members, among them Andreas Baader, were arrestedon 2 April 1968 after setting fires to department stores in Frankfurt.During their trial, the journalist Ulrike Meinh<strong>of</strong> interviewed themand publicized their cause through her articles. She would later joinforces with the group and assume a leadership role alongside Baader.Although all four were convicted <strong>of</strong> arson and received prison sentencesin June 1969, they were paroled under an amnesty program.When the Federal Constitutional Court overturned the amnesty, all <strong>of</strong>the parolees except Horst Söhnlein went underground.The group bombed the British Yacht Club in Berlin on 2 February1972, killing a German attendant. On 10 November 1974 members<strong>of</strong> this group shot and killed West Berlin Chief Justice Günter vonDrenkmann in reprisal for the death by suicide <strong>of</strong> a June 2 memberin jail. On 27 February 1975 the group kidnapped the leader <strong>of</strong> theBerlin Christian Democrats, Peter Lorenz, who was released in exchangefor the freeing <strong>of</strong> five anarchistic leftist terrorists who werethen allowed to leave for South Yemen. The group merged with otherrevolutionary leftist groups to form the Red Army Faction (RAF) bythe end <strong>of</strong> the 1970s.JUSTICE COMMANDOS OF THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE(JCAG). The JCAG was an Armenian ethnonationalist revolutionaryorganization founded in 1975 seeking to reestablish an independentArmenian state on the territory occupied by the former Republic<strong>of</strong> Armenia during World War I within eastern Turkey. It pursuedthis goal through attacks on Turkish diplomats and economic targetsoutside Turkey in the belief that Turkey bore responsibility for theslaughter <strong>of</strong> Armenians in eastern Turkey that occurred beginning 24April 1915 and lasting into 1917.The JCAG differed from the other major Armenian terroristgroup, the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation <strong>of</strong> Armenia(ASALA), in two important respects: first, the JCAG was primarilynationalistic rather than Marxist-Leninist. Therefore it relied almost

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