Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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POPULAR FRONT FOR THE LIBERATION OF PALESTINE • 539tions; and four assassinations and one attempted assassination. Sincethe second intifada, the PFLP, beginning in September 2001, has alsosponsored at least six suicide bombing attacks in the name <strong>of</strong> theMartyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigade. These include the 16 February 2002bombing <strong>of</strong> a pizza shop in Karnie Shomron, West Bank, killing threeIsraelis; the Netanya market bombing on 19 May 2002, killing threeIsraelis; the 25 December 2003 bombing <strong>of</strong> the Geha Junction stationin Petah Tikva, killing four Israelis, and the 1 November 2004 Carmelmarket bombing in Tel Aviv, killing three Israelis. With the adoption<strong>of</strong> effective preventive measures by Israel against suicide bombings,since 2004 the PFLP has relied increasingly on rocket-propelled explosiveslaunched from the Gaza Strip against neighboring Israeli towns.The actual record is confused by the tendency <strong>of</strong> PFLP splintergroups, such as Wadi al Haddad’s PFLP-Special Operations Groupand the Arab Nationalist Youth Organization, to claim their actionsin the name <strong>of</strong> the PFLP. Among the PFLP’s more notorious actionsare the following: On 6 September 1970 the PFLP simultaneouslyhijacked three airliners, one each from Trans World Airlines (TWA),Swissair, and the British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) toDawson’s Field, north <strong>of</strong> Amman, Jordan, and a fourth airplane, a PanAmerican World Airways (Pan Am) flight, to Cairo. Originally thehijackers held around 310 passengers and crew hostage to force therelease <strong>of</strong> imprisoned terrorists elsewhere but released all but 56 whoconsisted <strong>of</strong> the flight crews and Jewish passengers. These were laterreleased in exchange for the freeing <strong>of</strong> Leyla Khaled, a comrade whohad been captured in a foiled PFLP attempt to hijack an El Al flightas part <strong>of</strong> the original hijacking plan. On 12 September the hijackersblew up the captured airplanes, an event broadcast by the internationalmass media. While this operation was a terrorist tour de force, it alsobackfired since it completely exasperated King Hussein, who dispatchedhis armed forces to expel the Palestinians. On 30 May 1972,acting at the behest <strong>of</strong> the PFLP, three Japanese Red Army memberscarried out a massacre at Lod airport, killing 28 people and injuring76 others. On 21 December 1975 Carlos the Jackal led a joint PFLPand Red Army Faction (RAF) group in the OPEC Secretariat siege.On 27 June 1976 the PFLP together with members <strong>of</strong> the Red ArmyFaction carried out the Entebbe hijacking, seizing an Air France TelAviv-to-Paris flight and diverting it to Entebbe, Uganda, where 240passengers were held hostage until rescued by Israeli commandos

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