Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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ORDEN • 503flew first to Algeria, where an injured West German terrorist, Hans-Joachim Klein, was taken <strong>of</strong>f the plane and all non-Arab hostageswere released (except the Iranian oil minister, Jamshid Amuzegar),then to Libya where their ransom money was <strong>of</strong>f-loaded and transferredto a South Yemenese bank, and then back to Algeria where theterrorists surrendered and the remaining 11 hostages were released.The terrorists were then allowed to leave Algeria in exchange fortheir having spared the lives <strong>of</strong> their hostages.The original motives <strong>of</strong> the terrorists included not only extortion butalso assassination: the terrorists had intended to be flown to Aden,South Yemen, where they planned to murder the Saudi oil minister,Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Yamani, and the Iranian oil minister, JamshidAmuzegar. The Algerian authorities refused to allow them safe passageunless the two oil ministers were released unharmed. Carlosdisappeared from public view but was arrested in Sudan in 1994 andhanded over to France, where he was convicted and imprisoned forcrimes committed there. In late 1999 Austria was beginning extraditionproceedings against Carlos to try him on charges related to theOPEC siege. Another principal in the OPEC siege, Hans-JoachimKlein, who had been shot in the stomach and recovered, renouncedterrorism in 1978 and the following year published an autobiographicalbook on terrorism, Rückkehr in die Menschlichkeit: Appell einesausgestiegenen Terroristen (Return to Humanity: Appeal <strong>of</strong> a FormerTerrorist), in which he criticized what he came to view as the perversionsand errors <strong>of</strong> terrorism. Klein, who had been sought by Germanand Austrian police to stand trial for his role in the kidnappings andkillings in the OPEC siege, was arrested in the Normandy village <strong>of</strong>Ste.-Honorine-la-Guillaume in early September 1998. See also OR-GANIZATION FOR THE ARMED ARAB STRUGGLE.ORDEN. The ORDEN, short for Organización Democrática Nacionalista,was a state-sponsored right-wing Salvadoran death squad.ORDEN was originally founded in 1968 as a rural militia organizedby General José Alberto Medrano. Recruits in the Army Reserve madeup most <strong>of</strong> the ORDEN ranks and were trained by the National Guard.Units <strong>of</strong> the militia were established in all villages, until by 1978 it hadaround 100,000 members. Within 10 years it had degenerated into adeath squad, killing not only leftist guerrillas, but also union organizers,political moderates, religious workers, and human rights activists.

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