Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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EYAL • 169Immigrant Responsibility Act <strong>of</strong> 1996 were passed to restrict the use<strong>of</strong> the political <strong>of</strong>fense exception claim.In some cases, nations have refused to extradite people suspected<strong>of</strong> terrorism when the country seeking extradition has adeath penalty for conviction for the alleged <strong>of</strong>fense but the countryfrom which extradition is being sought subscribes to the principlethat capital punishment is a violation <strong>of</strong> human rights. Under suchcircumstances, the legal principle <strong>of</strong> aut dedere, aut judicare is applicable,that is, the country refusing extradition must prosecute theperson whom they refuse to extradite under the relevant antiterroristtreaties and conventions to which that country subscribes. The passage<strong>of</strong> the 1996 Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act bythe United States has made it more difficult to seek extradition <strong>of</strong>suspected international terrorists from Canada and members <strong>of</strong> theEuropean Union due to the rejection <strong>of</strong> capital punishment by thosenations. Similarly, the European Convention for the Suppression<strong>of</strong> <strong>Terrorism</strong> has allowed for more expeditious extradition <strong>of</strong>suspected terrorists by reducing the scope <strong>of</strong> the political <strong>of</strong>fenseexception.EYAL. Hebrew acronym <strong>of</strong> Irgun Yehudi Lohem (Jewish FightingOrganization), this is believed to be a splinter group <strong>of</strong> the bannedKach organization, a radical Jewish group founded by the late RabbiMeir Kahane, also founder <strong>of</strong> the Jewish Defense League. Thefounder <strong>of</strong> Eyal is reputed to be one Avishai Raviv, whom someIsraeli sources believe was actually an undercover Shin Bet (GeneralSecurity Services) informant. Eyal came to public attention withthe assassination <strong>of</strong> Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by YigalAmir, a member <strong>of</strong> the Eyal group, on 4 November 1995. Amirregarded Rabin as an enemy <strong>of</strong> the Jewish nation due to his role inpromoting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and rationalized hisright to kill Rabin as his being a “pursuer” under Mosaic Law whowas allowed to hunt down and kill one who had killed other Jews.Eyal was previously known only for having vandalized the property<strong>of</strong> Arabs in Hebron and for threatening left-wing Israeli politiciansand vandalizing their property.A notebook seized from an Eyal activist from the Jewish settlement<strong>of</strong> Kiryat Arba, near Hebron, revealed internal instructions forEyal members. All members were given aliases and passwords to

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