Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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NATIONAL LIBERATION ARMY • 471<strong>of</strong> the smaller factions and resumed using the name <strong>of</strong> the FLNC.The FLNC declared a three-month cease-fire in December 1999 butresumed violent activities in 2000. According to the RAND incidentdatabase, in the period 1976–1999 the FLNC was credited with just50 major attacks but in the period 2000–2007 it has carried out 106attacks, a sixfold increase. It should be noted that the RAND count<strong>of</strong> incidents is conservative since it <strong>of</strong>ten counts as one incident simultaneousattacks on different targets. With increased immigration<strong>of</strong> North Africans into Corsica, the FLNC has begun to target theseimmigrants and its current rhetoric promotes discrimination againstthe hiring <strong>of</strong> such immigrants within Corsica.The FLNC is not known to have any foreign state sponsorshipand little is known about its political agenda apart from the demand<strong>of</strong> independence for Corsica. The FLNC appears to be unimpressedwith efforts by the central government <strong>of</strong> France to provide moreautonomy for Corsica, initiated by Prime Minister Lionel Jospin in1999, that would have allowed more self-rule and more use <strong>of</strong> theCorsican language in schools. On 6 July 2003 Corsicans voted 51percent to 49 percent against an autonomy plan to devolve more selfgovernmentto Corsica short <strong>of</strong> independence from France.NATIONAL LIBERATION ARMY (ELN). The Ejército de LiberaciónNacional is the name <strong>of</strong> at least two major revolutionary guerrillagroups in Latin America:1. The Colombian National Liberation Army is a Castroite revolutionarygroup that enjoyed Cuban state sponsorship. Its maindistinction from other Colombian guerrilla groups has been its steadfastrefusal to participate in the national reconciliation negotiationsongoing between the Colombian government and other major leftistinsurgent groups since March 1984 or to participate in open electoralpolitics. The ELN has around 5,000 members and consists <strong>of</strong> severaloperationally independent fronts, some <strong>of</strong> which have turned intoseparate factions. One <strong>of</strong> these fronts, the Frente Simón Bolívar,eventually came to oppose the intransigence <strong>of</strong> the main leadership<strong>of</strong> the ELN.The ELN was established on 4 July 1964 by leftist students disillusionedwith the Communist Party <strong>of</strong> Colombia (PCC) and more attractedto the Cuban revolution. Throughout its history, ELN has hadpoor relations with the Communist Party <strong>of</strong> Colombia, which in turn

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