Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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INTRODUCTION • lxiiistated above, an essential element <strong>of</strong> terrorism is the threat or use <strong>of</strong>violence. Thus, however disruptive hacking might be to a database,or to a banking system, it would not be regarded as terrorism unlessthe intended results <strong>of</strong> such disruption could or did lead to physicalviolence against people. Thus, disruption <strong>of</strong> a flight schedule by itselfis not terrorism, but the disruption <strong>of</strong> an air traffic control system withthe intended second-order effects <strong>of</strong> the deaths <strong>of</strong> passengers wouldindeed be a form <strong>of</strong> terrorism. One should emphasize that the differencebetween cyberdisruption and cyberterrorism is more than a semanticexercise. Failure to recognize this difference creates a serious problemin establishing the scope <strong>of</strong> the threat.Future terrorists, however, may thrive from blurring this distinction betweencyberdisruption and cyber-enabled violence by using the Internetto generate a new form <strong>of</strong> “virtual terrorism.” Just as terrorists pr<strong>of</strong>it byblurring the distinction between war and peace, or between criminalityand political protest, so too terrorists may be willing to multiply the force<strong>of</strong> their threat capabilities by using the Internet to manipulate the perceptions<strong>of</strong> the increasing numbers <strong>of</strong> people drawn into the Internet’s virtualreality <strong>of</strong> blogs, YouTube–enabled exhibitionism, grass-roots journalism,and online chat rooms and other forums. Through careful manipulation<strong>of</strong> online video clips and other Internet materials, terrorists in effect nolonger need to stage violent operations to take credit for them. Viewerswill be provoked into fear and manipulated through staged events andthrough the propagation <strong>of</strong> electronic rumors, conspiracy theories, andother disinformation whose shelf life is perpetuated by bloggers as well asby more well-meaning people who not only are taken in by the terrorists’disinformation but who will even <strong>of</strong>ten pass along this same disinformationthrough their mailing lists to friends and associates. 17 A sickening example<strong>of</strong> such force multiplication was the broadcasting <strong>of</strong> decapitations<strong>of</strong> hostages by militant groups in Iraq that were not only broadcast by AlJazeera but which were then incorporated into the websites <strong>of</strong> numerousother militant groups that had no direct connection with the original groupthat carried out these atrocities.The Internet presents both a new terrorism peril but also a newcounterterrorism opportunity, both <strong>of</strong> which have become more evidentin the time since the U.S.-led invasion <strong>of</strong> Iraq in 2003. The newperil is that <strong>of</strong> an enhanced contagion <strong>of</strong> terrorist ideas and technologythrough emergent intelligence: no longer must would-be jihadists orethno-nationalists physically contact a terrorist recruiter, travel to a

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